
第15章 看门人的儿子(10)

The General certainly seemed to grow an inch taller,assumed a more stately demeanordemeanor n.行为,风度,and took two steps backward and one step forward,as if he were dancing a minuetminuet n.米奴哀小步舞,米奴哀小步舞曲,and then came as much gravitygravity n.地心引力,重力,认真,严肃,庄重 and expression into the face of the General as the General could contrive to infuseinfuse vi.泡,注vt.灌输,注入,沏或泡(茶、药等) into it; but he replied,将军一下子高了一小截,显出更坚决的神气,往后退了两步,再往前走了一步,就像在跳小步舞一样。他满脸严肃,能在一位将军高贵的脸上表现出来的种种表情,都摆出来了。

“I never retract my words! You are invited,Professor!” and he bowed with a glance at the King,who must have heard the whole dialogue.


Now,there was a company to dinner at the Generals,but only the old Count and his protege were invited.


“I have my foot under his table.” thought George. “Thats laying the foundation stone.”


And the foundation stone was really laid,with great ceremony,at the house of the General and of the Generals lady.


The man had come. and had spoken quite like a person in good society,and had made himself very agreeable,so that the General had often to repeat his “Charming!” The General talked of this dinner,talked of it even to a court lady; and this lady,one of the most intellectual persons about the court,asked to be invited to meet the Professor the next time he should come. So he had to be invited again; and he was invited,and came,and was charming again; he could even play chess.


“Hes not out of the cellar,” said the General; “hes quite a distinguisheddistinguished adj.卓著的,著名的,高贵的 person. There are many distinguished persons of that kind,and its no fault of his.”


The Professor,who was received in the Kings palace,might very well be received by the General; but that he could ever belong to the house was out of the question,only the whole town was talking of it.


He grew and grew. The dew of favor fell from above,so no one was surprised after all that he should become a Privy Councillor,and Emily a Privy Councillors lady.


“Life is either a tragedytragedy n.悲剧,惨案,悲惨,灾难 or a comedy.” said the General. “In tragedies they die,in comedies they marry one another.”


In this case they married. And they had three clever boys—but not all at once.


The sweet children rode on their hobbyhorses through all the rooms when they came to see the grandparents. And the General also rode on his stick; he rode behind them in the character of groom to the little Privy Councillors.


And the Generals lady sat on her sofa and smiled at them,even when she had her severest headache.


So far did George get,and much further; else it had not been worth while to tell the story of THE PORTERS SON.
