
第16章 老房子(1)


The Old House老房子

A very old house stood once in a street with several that were quite new and clean. The date of its erection had been carved on one of the beams,and surrounded by scrolls formed of tulips and hoptendrils,by this date it could be seen that the old house was nearly three hundred years old. Verses too were written over the windows in oldfashioned letters,and grotesquegrotesque adj.奇形怪状的n.奇形怪状的人(或物、图案等),奇异风格 faces,curiously carved,grinned at you from under the cornices. One story projected a long way over the other,and under the roof ran a leaden gutter,with a dragons head at the end. The rain was intended to pour out at the dragons mouth,but it ran out of his body instead,for there was a hole in the gutter. The other houses in the street were new and well built,with large window panes and smooth walls. Any one could see they had nothing to do with the old house. Perhaps they thought,“How long will that heap of rubbish remain here to be a disgrace to the whole street. The parapet projects so far forward that no one can see out of our windows what is going on in that direction. The stairs are as broad as the staircase of a castle,and as steep as if they led to a churchtower. The iron railing looks like the gate of a cemeterycemetery n.墓地,公墓,and there are brass knobs upon it. It is really too ridiculous.”


Opposite to the old house were more nice new houses,which had just the same opinion as their neighbors.


At the window of one of them sat a little boy with fresh rosy cheeks,and clear sparkling eyes,who was very fond of the old house,in sunshine or in moonlight. He would sit and look at the wall from which the plaster had in some places fallen off,and fancy all sorts of scenes which had been in former times. How the street must have looked when the houses had all gable roofs,open staircases,and guttersgutter n.水槽,檐槽,排水沟,贫民区vt.开沟于vi.流 with dragons at the spout. He could even see soldiers walking about with halberdshalberd n.戟。 Certainly it was a very good house to look at for amusement.


An old man lived in it,who wore kneebreeches,a coat with large brass buttons,and a wig,which any one could see was a real wig. Every morning an old man came to clean the rooms,and to wait upon him,otherwise the old man in the kneebreeches would have been quite alone in the house. Sometimes he came to one of the windows and looked out,then the little boy nodded to him,and the old man nodded back again,till they became acquainted,and were friends,although they had never spoken to each other,but that was of no consequence.


The little boy one day heard his parents say,“The old man opposite is very well off,but is terribly lonely.” The next Sunday morning the little boy wrapped something in a piece of paper and took it to the door of the old house,and said to the attendant who waited upon the old man,“Will you please give this from me to the gentleman who lives here,I have two tin soldiers,and this is one of them,and he shall have it,because I know he is terribly lonely.”


And the old attendant nodded and looked very pleased,and then he carried the tin soldier into the house.


Afterwards he was sent over to ask the little boy if he would not like to pay a visit himself. His parents gave him permission,and so it was that he gained admission to the old house.


The brassybrassy adj.像黄铜的,厚脸皮的n.铜头高尔夫球棍 knobs on the railings shone more brightly than ever,as if they had been polished on account of his visit,and on the door were carved trumpeters standing in tulips,and it seemed as if they were blowing with all their might,their cheeks were so puffed out. “Tantarara,the little boy is coming; Tantarara,the little boy is coming.”
