The new dome is almost as big across as the dome of St.Peter’s in Rome.It was made of a new building material—not wood or brick or stone,but iron.To keep iron from rusting,it must be kept painted.Try to think how many buckets of paint forty-three thousand pounds of paint would make.That is more than twenty-one tons,but that’s the quantity of paint it takes each time the dome of the Capitol is painted!
One room in the Capitol is called Statuary Hall.That is where each of the forty-eight States is invited to put two statues of famous men from that State.It’s not safe to tell a secret in Statuary Hall,for your whisper can be heard’way across the room if you whisper from a certain spot that’s marked by a metal star in the floor.Strange to say,the star was not put there for the whisper,but to show where the desk of John Quincy Adams used to stand when he was a member of Congress after being President.
No.85-1THE CAPITOL,WASHINGTON(华盛顿国会大厦)Courtesy Of The University Prints
The whisper is heard across the room because the waves of sound from that spot all seem to be reflected off the walls and ceiling so as to meet at another spot on the other side of the room.
The Capitol is full of interesting things.One of these is a subway or underground railroad.The trains are pulled by electric engines and they run from the Capitol to the Library of Congress and to the Senate Office Building and the House Office Building.These three buildings aren’t very far away,but the subway trains save the members of Congress time in getting back and forth.
The more you see of the Capitol,the more seems to be left to see.It has often been called the most stately government building in the world.It is important in architecture for another reason,also.It has been such a good building for a capitol that many of the forty-eight State capitols have been made to look something like it,only smaller.It is a building to be proud of,and it is pleasant to think that the corner-stone was laid by our first President.
No.85-2THE LINCOLN MEMORIAL,WASHINGTON(华盛顿林肯纪念堂)Courtesy Of The University Prints
There are many other splendid buildings in Washington.One of these is the Lincoln Memorial.The Lincoln Memorial is built in the Greek style and yet differently.It is Greek and yet it is American.That is because it uses the old Greek forms of columns and other details,but uses them in a new way to fit the kind of building it is.You will notice it has no pediment,or triangular space,above the columns as a Greek temple has.
We wait for the train that takes us home from Washington in a huge building calledthe Union Station.It is so big inside that it makes us feel very small,as the stars do at night when we lie on our backs and look up at them.
New buildings in Washington are now always put up according to Major L’Enfant’s plan for the streets and avenues.This makes Washington one of the most magnificent cities in the world.It is almost the only capital city planned as a capital before it was even begun as a city.If you feel like being proud of your capital,go right ahead.It is worth being proud of.
“Now who will stand on either hand,And keep the bridge with me?”
WHEN I was a boy,my favorite poem was “Horatius at the Bridge.”What a thrill I got whenever my father read aloud the story of the brave Roman and his two companions who held back a whole army while the bridge was being cut down to save the city!I even knew parts of the poem by heart,without trying at all to memorize them.
Horatius at the Bridge;every one knows the story of Horatius.Not so many know the story of the Bridge.