
第11章 University Days我的大学(3)




He was a quiet, amiable amiable adj.亲切的, 和蔼可亲的 blonde blonde adj.色白的, 碧眼的 youth, number 473, and he would have seen through a microscope for me if we could have got away with it, but we couldnt get away with it.

Another thing I didnt like about gymnasium work was that they made your strip strip n.条, 带 the day you registered. It is impossible for me to be happy when I am stripped and being asked a lot of questions.

Still, I did better than a lanky lanky adj.瘦长的 agricultural student who was crossexamined just before I was. They asked each student what college he was in—that is, whether Arts, Engineering, Commerce, or Agriculture. “What college are you in?” the instructor snapped at the youth in front of me. “Ohio State University,” he said promptly.




It wasnt that agricultural student but it was another a whole lot like him who decided to take up journalism, possibly on the ground that when farming went to hell he could fall bake on newspaper work.

He didnt realize, of course, that that would be very much like falling back fulllength on a kit on carpenters tools. Haskins didnt seem cut out for journalism, being too embarrassed to talk to anybody and unable to use a typewriter, but the editor of the college paper assigned him to the cow barns, the sheep house, the horse pavilion pavilion n.大帐篷, 亭, 阁, and the animal husbandry husbandry n.管理 department generally.

This was a genuinely genuinely adv.真诚地, 诚实地 big “beat”, for it took up five times as much ground and got ten times as great a legislative appropriation appropriation n.据为己有, 占有, 挪用(只指定用途的一笔), 拨款 as the College of Liberal Arts.




The agricultural student knew animals, but nevertheless nevertheless conj.然而, 不过 his stories were dull and colorlessly written.

He took all afternoon on each one of them, on account of having to hunt for each letter on the typewriter. Once in a while he had to ask somebody to help him hunt. “C” and “L”, in particular in particular adv.特别, were hard letters for him to find. His editor finally got pretty much annoyed at the farmerjournalist because his pieces were so uninteresting.

“See here, Haskins,” he snapped snap v.猛地吸住, 突然折断, 使劈啪地晌, 猛咬 at him one day, “why is it we never have anything hot from you on the horse pavilion? Here we have two hundred head of horses on this campus—more than any other university in the Western Conference except Purdue—and yet you never get any real low down on them. Now shoot over to the horse barns and dig up something lively.”




Haskins shambled shamble vi.蹒跚地走, 摇摇晃晃地走 out and came back in about an hour; he said something. “Well, start it off snappily,” said the editor. “Something people will read.” Haskins set to work and in a couple of hours brought a sheet of typewritten paper to the desk; it was a twohundred word story about some disease that had broken out among the horses. Its opening sentence was simple but arresting. It read:“ Who has noticed the sores on the tops of the horses in the animal husbandry building?”

