
第10章 University Days我的大学(2)




One day when we were on the subject of transportation and distributiondistribution n.分发,分配;分布,发送,发行, it came Bolenciecwczs turn to answer a question, “Name one means of transportation,” the professor said to him.

No light came into the big tackles eyes. “Just any means of transportation,” said the professor. Bolenciecwcz sat staring at him. “That is” pursued the professor, “any medium, agencyagency n.代理处, 行销处, 代理, 中介, or method of going form one place to another.”

Bolenciecwcz had the look of a man who is being led into a trap. “You may choose among steam, horsedrawnhorsedrawn adj. 马拉的(车), or electrically propelledpropel vt.推进, 驱使 vehicles,” said the instructor. “I might suggest the one which we commonly take in making long journeys across land.”




There was a profound silence in which everybody stirred uneasilyuneasily adv.不安地, 担心地,不自在地,不稳定地, including Bolenciecwcz and Mr.Bassum. Mr.Bassum abruptly broke this silence in an amazing manner. “Choochoochoo,” he said, in a low voice, and turned instantly scarlet scarlet adj.猩红的, 鲜红的, 深红的. He glanced appealingly around the room.

All of us, of course, shared Mr.Bassums desire that Bolenciecwcz should stay abreast abreast adv.并肩地, 并排地 of the class in economics. For the Illinois game, one of the hardest and most important of the season, was only a week off. “Toot, toot, tootoooooot!” some student with a deep voice moaned moan vi.发出呻吟声, 抱怨, 哀悼, and we all looked encouragingly at Bolenciecwcz. Somebody else gave a fine imitation imitation n.模仿, 效法, 冒充, 赝品, 仿造物 of a locomotive locomotive n.机车, 火车头 letting off steam.



Mr.Bassum himself rounded off the little show. “Ding, dong, ding, dong,” he said, hopefully. Bolenciecwcz was staring at the floor now, trying to think, his great brow furrowed furrow n.犁沟, 皱纹, his huge hands rubbing together, his face red.“How did you come to college this year, Mr.Bolenciecwcz?” asked the professor. “Chuffa chuffa, chuffa chuffa.”“Mfather sent me,” said the football player.“Whats on?” asked Bassum.“I got an allowance,” said the tackle, in a low, husky voice, obviously embarrassed embarrass vt.使困窘, 使局促不安, 阻碍, 麻烦.“No, no.” said Bassum, “Name a means of transportation. What did you ride here on?”“Train,” said Bolenciecwcz.“Quite right,” said the professor. “Now, Mr. Nugent, will you tell us —”









If I went through anguish anguish n.痛苦, 苦恼 in botany and economics—for different reasons—gymnasium gymnasium n.健身房, 体育馆 work was even worse. I dont even like to think about it.

They wouldnt let you play games or join in the exercises with your glasses on and I couldnt see with mine off. I bumped bump v.碰(伤), 撞(破), 颠簸 into professors, horizontal bars, agricultural students, and swinging iron rings. Not being able to see, I could take it but I couldnt dish it out.

Also, in order to pass gymnasium (and you had to pass it to graduate) you had to learn to swim if you didnt know how. I didnt like the swimming instructor, and after all these years I still dont.

I never swam but I passed my gym work anyway, by having another student give my gymnasium number (978) and swim across the pool in my place.
