The RWTH was founded as a Polytechnikum in 1870 with considerable support from local industry and was conferred the right to award doctoral degrees in 1899. It was reestablished after the Second World War as the Institute of Technology of the Land North RhineWestphalia (RheinischWestf ische Technische Hochschule Aachen) later achieving the status of a university. The number of students increased within a period of forty years from around one thousand to 38,000 students in the 1990s. The rapid advance in science and engineering and subsequent growth of departments resulted in further faculties in science and engineering being founded. In addition to its recognised strength and success in engineering education, the RWTH expanded from the early 1960s onwards to offer a broad range of subjects in almost all areas. The Faculties of Humanities and Medicine were founded in the 1960s, followed by the Faculty of Economics in the 1980s.
Teaching and research are characterized by an international, innovativeinnovative: adj.创新的, 革新(主义)的, and interdisciplinary approach and a close interrelationship with industry. The main objectives of the RWTH education are a solid knowledge of the basic scientific subjects with the ability to apply this knowledge to engineering problems and a high level of expertise within the field of specialisation and the ability to transfer scientific results into economic and technical application. In addition, the intensive interaction between all sciences in research and teaching is a direct response to the demands placed on future young professionals. Engineering professors usually held leading positions in industry before they became faculty members and other experts from industry teach special courses thus enabling students to benefit from the expertise and practicerelated knowledge. The RWTH Aachen has a long history of close and wideranging cooperation with national and international industries and research centres and contributes effectively to the success and development of the German economy with an increasing extension of this role with regard to the European Union.
The University of Freiburg
弗莱堡大学位于弗莱堡的市中心,弗莱堡市是一座风景优美的城市,约有20万公民,东林黑森林风景区,西靠莱茵河平原,距离邻国瑞士、法国只有半个小时的汽车行程。弗莱堡大学目前在校学生约为24 000人,其中外国留学生有2000人。除了弗莱堡的迷人景色,该大学专业齐全,着名教授也是吸引学生的重要因素,此外,它还有权授予多种学位。弗莱堡大学也是一所现代化的高等学府,它的校园设施相当齐全。
The University of Freiburg was founded by Archduke Albrecht IV of Austria in 1457, the second university on Habsburg territoryterritory: n.领土, 版图, 地域 after Vienna. As was typical of universities in the late Middle Ages, the university originally consisted of four colleges: Theology, Law, Medicine, and Philosophy. Most students were from southwestern Germany, Alsace, Switzerland, and Austria.
When Freiburg and the Western Austrian Breisgau fell to the Grand Duchy of Baden in 1805, the fate of the University of Freiburg was uncertain. Thus, when Grand Duke Ludwig of Baden arranged an endowmentendowment: n.捐赠, 捐赠的基金(或财产), 天资, 捐款in 1820, the university celebrated him as its second founder. To this day the AlbertLudwig University of Freiburg honors both Albert (the Latin spelling of Albrecht) and Ludwig in its name.
Documentation of many lectures and timed debates has been handed down to us, allowing us to make a fairly vivid reconstruction of academic life in the early years of the university. The University of Freiburg was able to make a good reputation for itself in its early years and produced many wellknown scholars and personalities, including Johannes Eck, Ulrich Zasius, Jakob Locher, Thomas Murner, Heinrich Glarean, and others.
The universities in the German Empire were not able to escape the denominational denominational: adj.宗派的, 派别的 polarizationpolarization: n.[物]偏振(现象),极化(作用),两极化,分化 which followed the Reformation. In Catholic Freiburg, the local princes put the Jesuits in charge of many departments of the university, including the entiretyentirety: n.全部, 完全 of the College of Humanities and much of the College of Theology. In the 17th century, the educational philosophy of the Jesuits stood for modernity and humanist ideals.