
第22章 名校风采Famous Universities(2)

The University of Heidelberg was not destroyed in the Second World War, but by 1945 it needed thorough intellectual reform. A new statute was established under the overall control of Karl Jaspers which obliged the university to serve the spirit of truth, justice and humanity. Nowadays, another great challenge and obligation of Heidelberg University is unity of research and education.

The LudwigMaximiliansUniversity Munich


慕尼黑大学始建于1472年,是德国历史最悠久,文化气息最浓郁的大学之一。19世纪初,为了纪念学校的创始人路德维希大公和后来的马克希米里安一世,这所学校改名为Ludovico Maxlmilianes。从1472年始建至今,这所学校已经发展成为规模仅次于柏林自由大学,位居德国第二位的大学。



慕尼黑大学图书馆始建于1573年,如今,除了位于学校本部的中心图书馆外,还有分属各研究所和各学院的分馆共215个。中心图书馆的藏书多为基础书籍、日常书籍和一定程度的专用图书,达140万种,加上各研究所的藏书,共为440万册,与巴伐利亚州图书馆藏书量相仿。图书馆藏书每年递增约50 000册。


The LudwigMaximiliansUniversity Munich (The University of Munich)is the second largest university in Germany (surpassedsurpass vt.超越, 胜过 only by the University of Cologne). It is a member of the League of European Research Universities.Munich,s other major university is the Technical University of Munich.

The university originally existed as the University of Ingolstadt from 1472 (foundation right of Louis IX, called the Rich) to 1802 in Ingolstadt and was then moved to Landshut by Maximilian IV Joseph (the later Maximilian king of Bavaria). After a short time it was moved to the capital of BavariaBavaria n.巴伐利亚(位于德国南部,昔时为一独立王国), Munich, in the year 1826, by Louis I.

The University of Munich, the LudwigMaximiliansUniversitt (LMU), owes its first class reputation to the fact that it has always striven for universality. It is a centre of research in a wide range of disciplines and offers a large variety of courses, from archeology to zoologyzoology n.动物学, 生态; interdisciplinary research and exchange of ideas is of great importance. With its 18 faculties and more than 700 professors, the university offers more than 140 courses and innumerable combinations of subjects to about 40,000 students, 16% of whom are from abroad.

The LMU attracts arts and humanities students as well as medics, law and economics students; its high tech campus MartinsriedGrohadern is Bavaria,s centre for biological and medical research.

The LMU competes internationally for the most innovative researchers who enthusiastically share their knowledge with students as well as businesspeople and managers. The LMU is an excellent springboardspringboard n.跳板, 出发点 for a career, uniting leading edge research and demanding teaching. It provides education for young people, who will shape tomorrow,s world, on a broad basis. Graduates of LMU are qualified and able to apply their knowledge and are prepared for lifelong learning in the modern working world, qualities which are combined with critical awarenessawareness n.知道, 晓得 of history and our society,s values and social competences.

The RWTH Aachen



无论是从资金还是技术力量来看,亚琛工业大学是德国工科排行榜永恒的第一,在欧洲也绝少有学校能出其右。其机械制造、电气工程(包括电子通信)均具有德国其他大学所无法超越的优势。欧洲机电一体化研究中心(Europaeisches Mechatronisches Zentrum)、爱立信(Ericsson)德国总部、诺基亚(Nokia)德国分部、福特(Ford)欧洲总部、三菱(Mitsubish)德国电子中心等高科技公司均设在Aachen,飞利浦、联合科技等也在亚琛建立了分部,一个仅有25万人口的小城竟然能吸引到这么多国际知名公司,这不能不归功于声名显赫的亚琛工业大学。

仅机械系的材料系下属塑料研究所(所长Michaeli教授)就有320余家企业资助,如奔驰、宝马、福特等;航空航天所更是荣誉倍出,独领德国航空界80余年风骚;汽车研究所(IKA,所长Wallentowitz教授)拥有庞大的实验车间和试车场,和宝马等大公司常年有密切联系。加工机械所(Laboratorium fuer Werkzeugmaschine und Betriebslehre,简称WZL)为世界上最大的机械研究所,四位教授均是行业泰斗,他们的着作已成为德国大学机械系的标准必修教材。兼有弗朗霍夫加工研究所(Fraunhofer Institut fuer Produktionstechnik)、弗朗霍夫激光研究所(Fraunhofer Institutfuer Lasertechnik),RWTH Aachen机械系可与麻省理工比肩。通讯网络所(Kommunikationsnetze, 所长 Walke教授)、无线电所(Nachrichtentechnik,所长Vary教授)及其他几个电子所更是享誉德国,德国高速列车InterCityExpress(ICE)的设计建造亦是在电机所De Doncker教授(比利时籍)及电子系的直接参与下进行的。



The RWTH Aachen is the largest university of technology in Germany and one of the most renownedrenowned adj.有名的, 有声誉的 technical universities in Europe, with around 28,000 students, more than the half of which in engineering. Every year numerous international students and scientists come to the RWTH Aachen to benefit from the internationally recognised high level of courses and the excellent work facilities at the RWTH. Almost 5,000 international students are currently enrolled at both undergraduate level and graduate and PhD level. The proximityproximity: n.接近, 亲近of Aachen to the Netherlands, BelgiumBelgium: n.比利时(西欧国家,首都布鲁塞尔Brussels)and Luxembourg Luxembourg: n.卢森堡公国(西欧国家)and the subsequent exposure to a variety of cultural heritages has placed RWTH Aachen in a unique position with regard to the reflection and promotion of international aspects and intensive interaction with other universities.