
第2章 Little Snow White(2)

The fifth, “Who has been using my fork?” “谁用过我的小叉子?”第五个说。

The sixth, “Who has been cutting with my knife?” “谁用我的小刀儿削过?”第六个说。

The seventh,“Who has been drinking out of my mug?” “谁喝过我杯子里的葡萄酒?”第七个说。

Then the first looked round and saw that there was a little hollow on his bed, and he said, “Who has been getting into my bed?” The others came up and each called out, “Somebody has been lying in my bed too.” 这时,第一个小矮人回头一看,发现他的床铺上陷下去了一小块,又说:“谁踩过我的小床?”其他小矮人也跑来,惊呼道:“我的床也有谁躺过啦!”

But the seventh when he looked at his bed saw little snowwhite, who was lying asleep thereintherein adv.在那里。 And he called the others, “Who came running up.” And they cried out with astonishmentastonishment n.惊讶, and brought their seven little candles and let the light fall on little snowwhite. “Oh, heavens, oh, heavens. ”cried they, “What a lovely child.” And they were so glad that they did not wake her up, but let her sleep on in the bed. And the seventh dwarf slept with his companions, one hour with each, and so passed the night. 第七个小矮人一看自己的床,就看见了躺在上面的白雪公主。他一喊,其他小矮人全跑过来,用他们的七盏小灯照着白雪公主,发出惊讶的呼叫:“啊,天呀!啊,天呀!多么漂亮的小女孩啊!”他们高兴极了,不忍心唤醒她,就让她在床上继续睡觉。第七个小矮人因此和他的伙伴合睡,在每个床上睡一小时,这样就过了一夜。

When it was morning little snowwhite awoke, and was frightened when she saw the seven dwarfs. But they were friendly and asked her what her name was. “My name is snowwhite. ”she answered. “How have you come to our house?”said the dwarfs. Then she told them that her stepmother had wished to have her killed, but that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run for the whole day, until at last she had found their dwellingdwelling n.住处。 The dwarfs said, “If you will take care of our house, cook, make the beds, wash, sew and knit, and if you will keep everything neatneat adj.整洁的, 灵巧的, 优雅的, (酒)纯的, 未搀水的 and clean you can stay with us and you shall want for nothing.” 清晨,白雪公主醒来,看见七个小矮人吓了一跳。可是他们却非常友好地问她:“你叫什么名字?”“我叫白雪公主。”她回答。“你怎么到了我们的屋里?”小矮人们继续问。于是,小姑娘就讲了她的继母想害死她,猎人却饶了她的命,她一整天跑啊跑啊,最后发现了他们的小房子。小矮人们说:“你要愿意替我们管家,替我们煮饭、铺床、洗衣服、缝衣服和织毛衣,把房间弄得整整齐齐,干干净净,你就可以留在我们这里;我们不会亏待你的。”

“Yes, ”said snowwhite, “with all my heart.” And she stayed with them. She kept the house in order for them. In the mornings they went to the mountains and looked for coppercopper n.铜, 警察 and gold, in the evenings they came back, and then their supper had to be ready. The girl was alone the whole day, so the good dwarfs warned her and said, “Beware of your stepmother, she will soon know that you are here, be sure to let no one come in.” “好,”白雪公主回答,“我打心眼儿里愿意。”于是她就继续住在小矮人家中,替他们料理家务。每天早晨,他们进山去找铁和金子,晚上回家来,饭菜已经摆好。一整天,小姑娘都一个人在家,好心的小矮人们便提醒她说:“当心你的继母,她很快会知道你在这儿。可不能放任何人进来哟!”

But the queen, believing that she had eaten snowwhites lung and liver, could not but think that she was again the first and most beautiful of all, and she went to her lookingglass and said,王后呢,自以为吃了白雪公主的肺和肝以后就坚信的第一大美人儿。她走到魔镜前,说:“Lookingglass, lookingglass, on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all.”


And the glass answered, “Oh, queen, thou art fairest of all I see, but over the hills, where the seven dwarfs dwell, snowwhite is still alive and well, and none is so fair as she.”






Then she was astoundedastound vt.使惊骇, 使大吃一惊, for she knew that the lookingglass never spoke falselyfalsely adv.虚伪地, 不实地, 错误地, and she knew that the huntsman had betrayedbetray vt.出卖, 背叛, 泄露(秘密), 露出…迹象 her, and that little snowwhite was still alive. And so she thought and thought again how she might kill her, for so long as she was not the fairest in the whole land, envy let her have no rest. And when she had at last thought of something to do, she painted her face, and dressed herself like an old pedlarwoman, and no one could have known her. In this disguisedisguise n.伪装 she went over the seven mountains to the seven dwarfs, and knocked at the door and cried, “Pretty things to sell, very cheap, very cheap.” Little snowwhite looked out of the window and called out, “Goodday my good woman, what have you to sell.” “Good things, pretty things. ”she answered, staylaces of all colors, and she pulled out one which was woven of brightcolored silk.


“I may let the worthyworthy adj.有价值的, 应……的, 可敬的, 值得的, 相称的 old woman in.” thought snowwhite, and she unboltedunbolt vt.拔去门闩, 打开 the door and bought the pretty laces. “Child, ”said the old woman, “what a fright you look, come, I will lace you properly for once.” Snowwhite had no suspicionsuspicion n.猜疑, 怀疑, but stood before her, and let herself be laced with the new laces. But the old woman laced so quickly and so tightly that snowwhite lost her breath and fell down as if dead. “Now I am the most beautiful.” said the queen to herself, and ran away. “我可以让这位好心的老婆婆进来。”白雪公主想,于是她打开门,买下了那卷漂亮丝带。“孩子,”老婆子说,“瞧你这模样!过来,我好好替你扎一扎。”白雪公主毫无戒心,站到她面前,让她替自己扎上新发带。谁知老婆子飞快拴住她的脖子,使白雪公主透不过气来,这样她就倒在地上像已经死了一样。“看你还是不是最漂亮的女人!”老婆子一边嘀咕,一边急忙溜走了。

Not long afterwards, in the evening, the seven dwarfs came home, but how shocked they were when they saw their dear little snowwhite lying on the ground, and that she neither stirredstir vi.走动, 传播, 流行 nor moved, and seemed to be dead. They lifted her up, and, as they saw that she was laced too tightly, they cut the laces, then she began to breathe a little, and after a while came to life again. When the dwarfs heard what had happened they said, “The old pedlarwoman was no one else than the wicked queen, take care and let no one come in when we are not with you.” But the wicked woman when she had reached home went in front of the glass and asked,过了好久,到了吃晚饭的时间,七个小矮人走回家来,看见他们亲爱的白雪公主倒在地上,都吓得不得了。小姑娘一动不动,就像已经死了。他们抬起她来,发现她脖子上紧紧勒着根带子,马上把它剪断了。这样,小姑娘开始有了细微的呼吸,渐渐地活了过来。小矮人们听她讲了事情的经过,同声说:“卖东西的老婆子不是别人,就是那个邪恶的王后!记住,我们不在的时候别放任何人进来。”王后回到宫里,站在镜子前面问:“Lookingglass, lookingglass, on the wall, who in this land is the fairest of all?”


And it answered as before, “Oh, queen, thou art fairest of all I see, but over the hills, where the seven dwarfs dwell, snowwhite is still alive and well, and none is so fair as she.”




