
第8章 Surfing冲浪

Basic equipment is affordable, and once a surfer buys his board, all he needs is some waves!

Hundreds of places in the world have huge blue waves, white sand beachesbeach n.海滩 , and beautiful young people carrying surfboardssurfboard n.冲浪板 . But, when people think of surfing, many first think of HawaiiHawaii n.夏威夷, 夏威夷岛 , USA.




Not only because Hawaii has some of the best, and most dangerous, surfing in the world, but also because the PolynesiansPolynesian adj.玻利尼西亚人的 , natives of the island of Hawaii, were the first people to surf.

Historians believe that Hawaii natives migratedmigrate vi.移动, 移往 from other Polynesian islands, including Tahiti, where the islanders are known to have ridden waves as they stretchedstretch v.伸展, 伸长 out along on a board. While the first Hawaiian surfers may have ridden their long boards on their stomachsstomach n.胃, 胃口, 胃部 , we know that they soon started standing on the board.

How do we know? They carvedcarve v.雕刻 pictures of men standing on surfboards on lavalava n.熔岩, 火山岩 rocks.




They also passed chantschant n.圣歌 from generation to generation that told of amazing surfing feats. They wanted to make sure the younger members of the tribetribe n.部落, 部族 never forget the heroics of their ancestorsancestor n.祖先, 祖宗 . In addition, explorers from other countries recorded seeing Hawaiians surfing hundreds of years ago.

The famous explorer Captain Cook died in Hawaii, but a member of his crew recorded the bravery and excellent skills of the local Hawaiian surfers. Many European sailors could not even swim at that time, so imagine how impressed they were to see surfers moving across the water at such a high speeds!

It is thought that the chiefs and leaders of the Hawaiian native people used surfing as a means to show off their strength and agility, and to intimidateintimidate v.胁迫 and impress others.




Traditionallytraditionally adv.传统上, 传说上 , the ruling class had better crafted and more elaborate boards to show others their status and great importance. Making a surfboard had special steps. For example, a religiousreligious adj.虔诚的 leader would say a prayer before the tree was cut down.

Today people around the world love to surf. People of all shapes and sizes, rich or poor, can try their hands at surfing. Basic equipment is affordable, and once a surfer buys his board, all he needs is some waves!


