
第7章 Americans Love Pets美国人的宠物情结

To Americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too.

Americans love pets. And its not just puppy lovepuppy love n.少男少女短暂的爱情, 早年初恋 , either. Many pet owners treat their furry friends as part of the family. Sometimes they spice up their pets lives with entertainingentertaining n.招待, 款待 videos and amusingamusing adj.有趣的 toys.




If they have an eye for fashion, pet owners can dress their pets in stylish stylish adj.时髦的, 漂亮的, 流行的 clothes. For special occasions, they can use canine perfumeperfume n.烟, 气体,香味,芳香,香水 to make their dogs smell, well, less beastly. You might say Americans treat their pets like they treat their children—sometimes even better.

In America, there are more householdshousehold n.一家人, 家庭, 家族, 王室 with pets than those with children. At least 43 percent of U.S. homes have pets of some sort. ExoticExotic adj.外来的,外国来的 creatures, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home with some Americans. More common pets include tropicaltropical adj.热带的, 热情的 fish, mice and birds. Americans sometimes have strong feelings about whether dogs or cats make better pets. “Dog people” and “cat people” often enjoy friendly rivalriesrivalry n.竞争, 竞赛, 敌对, 敌对状态 .



Leading a dogs life in America isnt such a bad thing. Many grocerygrocery n.<美>食品杂货店, 食品, 杂货 stores sell gourmetgourmet n.能精选品评美食、美酒的人 pet foods to owners eagereager adj.热心于, 渴望着 to please their pets. In Houston, Texas, dogs can have their dinner delivereddeliver vt.递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表, 交付, 引渡, 瞄准, 给予 to their homes, just like pizza. Welltodo canines can attend doggy daycare centers while their owners work. Pets can even accompany their owners on vacation. Fancy hotels are beginning to accommodateaccommodate vt.供应, 使适应, 调节, 和解, 向……提供, 容纳, 调和 both man and beast. Furry guests at hotels can enjoy gourmet meals served on fine china and sleep in soft beds.

Beneath the fluffy luxuriesluxury n.奢侈, 华贵 , there lies a basic American belief Pets have a right to be treated well.



At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America. These provide care and adoption services for homeless and abused animals. Veterinariansveterinarian n.兽医 can give animals an incredibleincredible adj.<口>难以置信的 level of medical care for an incredible price. To pay for the hightech health care, people can buy health insurance for their pets. And when its time to say goodbye, owners can burybury vt.埋葬, 掩埋, 隐藏 their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.

The average American enjoys having pets around, and for good reason. Researchers have discovered that interacting with animals lowers a persons blood pressure. Dogs can offer protection from burglarsburglar n.夜贼 and unwelcome visitors. Cats can help rid the home of unwanted pests. Little creatures of all shapes and sizes can provide companionship and love.



In many cases, having a pet prepares a young couple for the responsibilitiesresponsibility n.责任, 职责 of parenthoodparenthood n.父母身份, 亲子关系 . Pets even encourage social relationships. They give their owners an appearance of friendliness, and they provide a good topic of conversation.

Pets are as basic to American culture as hot dogs or apple pie. To Americans, pets are not just propertyproperty n.所有物,道具 , but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too.


