

They did not notice that the current was carrying them away, when suddenly the lame one felt as if he had been blinded; a tremendous ray of light had struck his eyes。It was the light of the sun which had been reflected from the walls of a wonderful shining palace。These rays had caught his eyes。He covered them with his hands, and he said to the blind one, who was holding on to him:

“Brother, I see yonder something so beautiful as I have never seen before in all my life; it is the palace of a king or the palace of the fairies。Come, let us go there。We need not be afraid。We have nothing to lose and we are dying of hunger。Perhaps we may find something to eat there。”

“Right you are,”replied the blind one,“we have nothing to lose。Let us go on。”

So they came out of the sea and went to the palace。It was made wholly of silver and gold。When they came near they found the doors open。Slowly, slowly, they dragged themselves along and went inside。Not a soul was to be seen。It was all so wonderful that they lost their speech。The blind one could not see it, and the lame one kept his mouth open in wonderment。

Going along from room to room, they came to one at last where they found a table decked for twelve persons。The dishes were on the table, but no food on them, so the lame one said to the blind one:“I see here a table decked for twelve, but what is the use of it to us if all the plates are empty。We are so hungry we are starving; I wish there were some food on these plates。”

At that instant the most savoury dishes appeared on the table。The two hungry men did not wait for an invitation。They fell to and ate as if the wolves were fighting at their mouths for every bit, so ravenously did they swallow the food。They ate and drank as if to make up for a year of fasting。

When they had finished they heard a noise, so they quickly slipped under the bed which was standing in the room and hid themselves under it。

Suddenly the fluttering of wings was heard, and eleven doves flew in through the window; then they turned somersaults three times, and eleven handsome young men sat down to the table, which meanwhile had become filled again with most savoury dishes。

Whilst they were eating the young men looked around and said,“Where is Little Brother Bit?”One of them remarked,“He is coming along。He has hurt his wing。He will soon be here。”

Soon afterwards a twelfth dove fluttered into the window, and, turning a somersault, became the handsome Little Brother Bit。He took a seat at the table, but scarcely touched his food。He thought of his wife, and the tears ran down his cheeks, and he murmured half aloud as if speaking to himself, yet loud enough to be heard by the two beggars under the bed:“Oh, how I long for my wife! How I wish that she could find her way hither and surprise us when we are in our human shape, for then the spell which has bound us would be broken。”

When they had finished their meal the other doves flew away, and Little Brother Bit with them。

When they had all gone, the two beggars crawled from under the bed and gathered up the food that was left on the table, filled their bags with it, and left the palace by another gate。There they found themselves on the high road。Now they had enough food with them to last for weeks, and they went on eating what they had taken with them until they came to a place where they saw a huge multitude of people gathered around a magnificent building。They noticed the people waiting as it were for their turns。

Curious to know what the throng meant , they went up and inquired of one of the men, who seemed to be a kind of supervisor, the reason of it。

He said:“That is the house of the great good woman who gives food and lodging and new raiment and baths to all the wayfarers。Whoever comes in here has first a bath, then he is dressed in a beautiful suit of clothes, and he is fed and lodged freely for a night, but on one condition-that is, that each one must come before the mistress and tell her a tale。”

Being conscious of their dirty state and torn clothes, they eagerly entered the house, had a good bath, and scarcely recognized themselves in the new suits of clothes which were given to them。After having had a good meal and spending the night in comfort, they were called both together the next morning before the mistress, as one could not go without the other。The blind one would not let the lame one go alone。

When they came before the mistress, she asked them whether they could tell her a tale。They turned towards one another and said:“No doubt we have heard many tales in our life as beggars, but we cannot remember any。”

“If you cannot remember me a tale, can you tell me something of your adventures?”

When the mistress spoke of adventures, they both remembered their adventure in the palace with the twelve doves, and they told her the whole story, and how one of them, whom the others called Little Brother Bit, had been sighing and longing for his wife, who alone could break the spell。

When she heard the name Little Brother Bit, the mistress of the house almost jumped out of her chair。She was trembling from head to foot, and could scarcely believe her ears。So she bade them repeat their adventures, which they did, wondering at her excitement。

When they had finished the story, she said to them:“Do you know the way to that palace, and can you lead me thither? If you do so you will have no more worries in your lives。I will provide you with everything that you may want。”

“Of course we know the way, for beggars always remember the way they go when they travel along。It is good for them to notice everything, for one never knows what may happen。”