书城公版Gypsy Dictionary


Nashimescro, s. Hangman.

Nashko, part. pass. Hung: nashko pre rukh, hung on a tree.

Nasho, part. pass. Hung.

Nastis, a. Impossible. See Astis.

Nav, s. Name. Hun. Nev.

Naval, s. Thread. Span. Gyp. Nafre.

Naes / Nes, postpos. According to, after the manner of:

gorgikonaes, after the manner of the Gentiles; Romano-chalugo-naes, after the manner of the Gypsies.

Ne, ad. No, not: ne burroder, no more; ne riddo, not dressed.

Nevo, a. New.

Nevi, a. fem. New: nevi tud from the guveni, new milk from the cow.

Nevey Rukhies. The New Forest. Lit. new trees.

Nevi Wesh. The New Forest.

Nick, v. a. To take away, steal. Span. Gyp. Nicabar.

Nick the cost. To steal sticks for skewers and linen-pegs.

Nogo, s. Own, one's own; nogo dad, one's own father; nogo tan, one's own country.

Nok, s. Nose. Hin. Nakh.

Nok-engro, s. A glandered horse. Lit. a nose-fellow.

Nokkipen, s. Snuff.

OO, art. def. The.

O, pron. He.

Odoi, ad. There. Hun. Ott, oda.

Oduvvu, pron. dem. That. Span. Gyp. Odoba.

Olevas / Olivas / Olivor, s. pl. Stockings. Span. Gyp. Olibias.

Wal. Chorapul.

Opral / Opre / Oprey, prep. Upon, above. Wal. Pre, asoupra.

Or. A plural termination; for example, Shock, a cabbage, pl. shock-or. It is perhaps derived from Ouri, the plural termination of Wallachian neuter nouns ending in 'e.'

Ora, s.f. A watch. Hun. Ora.

Ora, s. An hour: so si ora, what's o'clock?

Orlenda. Gypsy female name. Rus. Orlitza (female eagle).

Os. A common termination of Gypsy nouns. It is frequently appended by the Gypsies to English nouns in order to disguise them.

Owli, ad. Yes. See Avali.

PPA, prep. By: pa mui, by mouth. Rus. Po.

Padlo, ad. Across: padlo pawnie, across the water, transported.

Pahamengro, s. Turnip.

Pailloes, s. Filberts.

Pal, s. Brother.

Pal of the bor. Brother of the hedge, hedgehog.

Palal, prep. ad. Behind, after, back again: av palal, come back, come again: palal the welgorus, after the fair. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

(again). Rus. Opiat (id.).

Pali, ad. Again, back.

Pand, v. a. To bind. Sans. Bandh.

Pandipen, s. Pinfold, prison, pound.

Pandlo, part. pass. Bound, imprisoned, pounded.

Pand opre, v. a. To bind up.

Pandlo-mengro, s. Tollgate, thing that's shut.

Pangushi, s.f. Handkerchief.

Pani, s. Water. See Pawni.

Panishey shock, s. Watercress. Lit. water-cabbage. See Shok.

Panj, a. Five. See Pansch.

Pani-mengro, s. Sailor, waterman.

Panni-mengri, s. Garden.

Panno, s. Cloth. Lat. Pannus. Wal. Penzie.

Pansch, s. Five. Hin. Panch.

Pappins / Pappior, s. pl. Ducks. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

Paracrow, v. a. To thank: paracrow tute, I thank you.

Parava / Parra, v. a. To change, exchange. See Porra.

Parriken, s. Trust, credit. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (trusted goods).

Parno, a. White. See Pauno.

Pas, s. Half. See Posh.

Pasherro, s. Halfpenny; pl. pasherie. Pers. [Persian: ] Pasheez (a farthing).

Pas-more, v. a. Half-kill.

Patch, s. Shame. Span. Gyp. Pachi, modesty, virginity. Sans.


Patnies, s. pl. Ducks.

Patrin, s. A Gypsy trail; handfuls of leaves or grass cast by the Gypsies on the road, to denote to those behind the way which they have taken.

Pattin, s. A leaf. Span. Gyp. Patia. Sans. Patra.

Pattinor. Leaves.

Paub / Paubi, s. An apple. Hung. Gyp. Paboy.

Paub tan, s. Orchard.

Pauno, a. White. Sans. Pandu. Gaelic, Ban.

Pauno gad. Clean shirt.

Pauno sherro. Grey head, white head.

Pauno, s. Flour. Lit. what is white. The Latin 'panis' seems to be connected with this word.

Pauno-mengro, s. A miller, white fellow.

Pauno-mui, s. Pale face; generally applied to a vain, foolish girl, who prefers the company of the pallid Gentiles to that of the dark Romans.

Pauvi, s. An apple.

Pauvi-pani, s. Cyder, apple-water.

Pawdel, ad. Across, over: pawdel puve and pawni, across land and water; pawdel the chumba, over the hill.

Pawnee / Pawni, s. Water. Sans. Paniya. Hin. Panie. Eng. Pond.

See Pani.

Pawnugo, a. Watery: pawnugo hev, water-hole, well.

Pazorrhus, part. pass. Indebted. See Pizarris.

Peava, v. a. To drink. Sans. Pa.

Pea-mengri, s. Tea-pot. Wal. Bea. Lit. drinking thing.

Peeapen, s. Health: ako's your peeapen! here's your health!

Pea-mengro, s. Drunkard.

Pedloer, s. Nuts; prop. Acorns. Pers. Peleed.

Peerdie, s. Female tramper.

Peerdo, s. Male tramper.

Pek'd / Pekt, part. pass. Roasted. Span. Gyp. Peco. Sans. Paka (cooking). Pers. Pekhtan. Rus. Petsch (oven).

Pele, s. pl. Testicles. Sans. P'hala.

Pelengo gry / Pelengro gry, s. Stone-horse.

Pen, a particle affixed to an adjective or a verb when some property or quality, affection or action is to be expressed, the termination of the first word being occasionally slightly modified: for example, Kosko, good, koskipen, goodness; Tatcho, true, tatchipen, truth;Camo, I love, camipen, love; Chingar, to fight, chingaripen, war. It is of much the same service in expressing what is abstract and ideal as Engro, Mescro, and Engri are in expressing what is living and tangible. It is sometimes used as a diminutive, e.g. Mushipen, a little fellow.

Pen, s. Sister.

Pen / Penav, v. a. To say, speak. Wal. Spoune.

Penchava, v. n. To think. Pers. Pendashten. Sans. Vi-cit.

Penliois, s. Nuts. See Pedloer.

Per, s. Belly.

Per, v. n. To fall. Span. Gyp. Petrar. Sans. Pat.

Per tuley. To fall down.

Perdo, a. Full. Sans. Purva, to fill.

Pes / Pessa, v. a. To pay. Span. Gyp. Plaserar. Rus. Platit. Wal.

Pleti. Hun. Fizetni.

Pes apopli. To repay.

Petul, s. A horse-shoe. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] Wal. Potkoavie. Heb.

Bedel (tin).

Petul-engro, s. Horseshoe-maker, smith, tinker; the name of a Gypsy tribe.

Pi, v. a. To drink. Sans. Piva (drinking). See Peava.

Pias, s. Fun. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ] (to play).

Pikkis / Pikkaris, s. pl. Breasts. See Birk, bark. Wal. Piept.

Pikko, s. Shoulder.

Pios, part. pass. Drunken. Only employed when a health is drunk:

e.g. aukko tu pios adrey Romanes, your health is drunk in Romany.

Pire, s. pl. Feet.

Pire, s. pl. Trampers.

Pire-gueros, s. pl. Travellers, trampers. Lit. foot-fellows.

Pireni, s.f. Sweetheart.

Pireno, s. m. Sweetheart.

Piro, v. a. To walk: pirel, he walks.

Piro-mengro, s. Walker.