书城公版Gypsy Dictionary


Luvvo-mengro-ker, s. Banker's house, bank.

MMa, ad. Not; only used before the imperative: ma muk, let not.

Sans. Ma. Pers. [Persian: ]

Maas, s. Sans. Mansa Mans. Rus. Maso. See Mas.

Maas-engro / Maaso-mengro, s. Butcher.

Mailla, s. Ass, donkey. Wal. Megaroul. Sans. Baluya.

Mailla and posh. Ass and foal.

Malleco, a. False.

Maluno / Maloney, s. Lightning. Rus. Molniya.

Mam, s. Mother. Wal. Moume. Welsh, Mam. Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Muime (a nurse).

Man, pron. pers. I; very seldom used. Hin. Muen.

Mande, pron. pers. oblique of Man; generally used instead of the nominative Man.

Mander. Ablative of Man, from me: ja mander, go from me.

Mande's. My. Mande's wast, my hand; used improperly for miro.

Mangue. Dative of Man, to me; sometimes used instead of the nominative.

Mansa. With me.

Mang, v. a. To beg. Hin. Mangna. Sans. Marg.

Mango-mengro, s. A beggar.

Mangipen, s. The trade of begging. Sans. Margana (begging).

Manricley, s. A cake. Span. Gyp. Manricli.

Manush, s. Man. Sans. Manasha. Span. Gyp. Manus. See Monish.

Manushi, s. Woman, wife. Sans. Manushi.

Maricli, s. A cake. See Maricley.

Mash, s. Umbrella. A cant word.

Matcho, s. A fish. Sans. Matsya. Hin. Muchee.

Matcheneskoe Gav. Yarmouth. Lit. the fishy town.

Matcheneskoe guero, s. A fisherman.

Matchka, s.f. A cat. Hun. Macska.

Matchko, s. m. A he-cat.

Mattipen, s. Drunkenness. Sans. Matta (to be intoxicated). Mod.

Gr. [Greek: ] (intoxication). Welsh, Meddwy (to intoxicate).

Matto, a. Drunk, intoxicated. Welsh, Meddw.

Matto-mengro, s. Drunkard.

Mea, s. Mile: dui mear, two miles. Wal. Mie.

Mea-bar, s. Milestone.

Medisin, s. Measure, bushel. Sans. Mana.

Mek, v. n. Leave, let: meklis, leave off, hold your tongue, have done. Sans. Moksh.

Men, pr. We; pl. of Man.

Men, s. Neck. Gaelic, Muineal. Welsh, Mwng. Mandchou, Meifen.

Men-pangushi, s. Neckcloth. See Pangushi.

Mengro. A word much used in composition. See Engro and Mescro.

Mensalli, s. A table. Wal. Masi.

Mer / Merava, v. n. To die. Sans. Mri.

Merricley, s. A cake. See Manricley.

Merripen, s. Death. Sans. Mara.

Merripen, s. Life, according to the Gypsies, though one feels inclined to suppose that the real signification of the word is Death;it may, however, be connected with the Gaulic or Irish word Mairam, to endure, continue, live long: Gura' fada mhaireadh tu! may you long endure, long life to you! In Spanish Gypsy Merinao signifies an immortal.

Mescro. A particle which, affixed to a verb, forms a substantive masculine:- e.g. Camo, I love; camo-mescro, a lover. Nash, to run;nashi-mescro, a runner. It is equivalent to Mengro, q.v.

Messalli, s. A table. Wal. Masi.

Mestipen, s. Life, livelihood, living, fortune, luck, goodness.

Span. Gyp. Mestipen, bestipen. Wal. Viatsie.

Mi, pron. I, my.

Mi cocoro, pron. poss. I myself, I alone.

Mi dearie Dubbeleskey. For my dear God's sake.

Mi develeskie gueri, s.f. A holy female.

Mi develeskie gueri Mary. Holy Virgin Mary.

Mi develeskoe Baval Engro. Holy Ghost.

Mi dubbelungo, a. Divine.

Mi duvvelungo divvus, s. Christmas Day.

Millior, s. Miles; panj millior, five miles.

Minge / Mintch, s. Pudendum muliebre.

Miro, pron. poss. My, mine.

Miri, pron. poss. f. My, mine.

Misto / Mistos, ad. Well.

Misto dusta. Very well.

Mistos amande. I am glad.

Mitch, s. See Minge.

Mizella. Female Gypsy name.

Mokkado, a. Unclean to eat. Wal. Mourdar (dirty).

Monish, s. Man. See Manush.

Mol, s. Wine. See Mul.

Mollauvis, s. Pewter.

Moomli, s. Candle, taper. See Mumli.

Moomli-mengro, s. Candlestick, lantern.

Moar, v. a. To grind. See Morro.

More / Morava, v. a. To kill, slay. Sans. Mri. Wal. Omori.

Moreno, part. pass. Killed, slain.

More, v. a. To shave, shear. Hun. Gyp. Murinow.

Mormusti, s.f. Midwife. Wal. Maimoutsi. Rus. Mameichka (nurse).

Moro, pron. poss. Our: moro dad, our father.

Morro, s. Bread. Lit. that which is ground. See Moar. Span. Gyp.

Manro. Hun. Gyp. Manro, also Gheum: sin gheum manro, gheum is manro (bread). Rus. Gyp. Morroshka (a loaf).

Morro-mengro, s. A baker.

Mort, s. Woman, concubine; a cant word.

Mosco / Moshko, A fly. Lat. Musca. Wal. Mouskie. Span. Gyp.

Moscabis (fly-blown, stung with love, picado, enamorado).

Moskey, s. A spy: to jal a moskeying, to go out spying. Fr.


Mufta, s.f. Box, chest. See Muktar.

Mui, s. Face, mouth: lollo leste mui, his face is red. Sans. Mukha (face, mouth). Fr. Mot (a word). Provenzal, Mo.

Muk, v. n. To leave, let. See Mek.

Mukkalis becunye. Let it be.

Muktar / Mukto, s. Box, chest.

Mul, s. Wine. Pers. Mul.

Mul divvus. Christmas Day. Lit. wine day.

Mul-engris, s. pl. Grapes: mul-engri tan, vineyard.

Mulleni muktar, s. Coffin. Lit. dead-chest.

Mullodustie mukto. Id.

Mulleno hev, s. Grave.

Mulleno ker, s. Sepulchre, cemetery.

Mullo, s., a. Dead man, dead.

Mullo mas, s. Dead meat; flesh of an animal not slain, but which died alone.

Mumli, s.f. Candle.

Mumli-mescro, s. Chandler.

Munjee, s. A blow on the mouth, seemingly a cant word. Hin. Munh, mouth. Ger. Mund.

Murces / Mursior, s. pl. Arms. Span. Gyp. Murciales.

Muscro, s. Constable. See Muskerro.

Mush, s. Man. Rus. Mouge. Finnish, Mies. Tibetian, Mi. Lat. Mas (a male).

Mushi, s. Woman.

Mushipen, s. A little man, a lad. Toulousian, Massip (a young man), massipo (a young woman).

Muskerro, s. Constable.

Muskerriskoe cost, s. Constable's staff.

Mutra, s. Urine.

Mutrava, v. a. To void urine. Sans. Mutra.

Mutra-mengri, s. Tea.

Mutzi, s. Skin. Span. Gyp. Morchas.

Mutzior, s. pl. Skins.

NNA, ad. Not.

Naflipen, s. Sickness. Span. Gyp. Nasallipen. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

Naflo, a. Sick.

Nai. Properly Na hi, there is not: nai men chior, we have no girls.

Naior, s. pl. Nails of the fingers or toes. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ]

Nangipen, s. Nakedness.

Nango, a. Naked.

Narilla / Narrila, A female Gypsy name.

Nash, v. a. To run. Span. Gyp. Najar.

Nashimescro, s. Runner, racer.

Nashimescro-tan, s. Race-course.

Nash, v. a. To lose, destroy, to hang. Sans. Nasa. Span. Gyp.

Najabar (to lose). Sans. Nakha (to destroy). Eng. Nacker (a killer of old horses).

Nashado, part. pret. Lost, destroyed, hung.