
第30章 他们六个 (1)




公元前5到4世纪的时候,有四个人有师生关系,并且都是大名人,前三个人都是哲学家(philosophers),最后一个是东征西讨的皇帝Alexander the Great。



Socrates’ greatestPlatos’ greatest Aristotle’s

pupilpupilgreatest pupil

Aristotle的学问很大,是哲学家,也是教育家(educator),也是科学家(scientist),他在科学方面的著作有logic、physics、natural history、psychology……但他究竟是两千三百年前的人,他的科学有很多错误,比如他认为地球是宇宙中心,太阳星星绕地球转,这是错的;他认为月亮表面是光滑的,自己发光,这是错的;他认为同时下落,重的东西比轻的东西先着地,这是错的;他认为男人的牙比女人多,这也是错的,这大概是Mrs.Aristotle的牙掉了的缘故!

Aristotle的真正贡献,chief contribution是他把学问造成一个“继往开来”(to carry on the heritage so as to pave the way for future generations)的局面,使人类爱真理(truth)。Aristotle在他的Ethica(ethics伦理学)中表示他爱老师Plato,但是更爱真理。

在中国也有这种看法,叫“当仁不让于师”(to yield to nobody when one is doing what is right;do not refuse to accept a reward or position which one deserves;to be behind none in the desire to benefit mankind.)。Aristotle differed from Plato both in the aims of his philosophy and in the methods of his investigation. In his Ethica he states that,while both Plato and truth are dear to him,he is bound to prefer truth.

While Aristotle was a biologist of note,even if we allow for some rather peculiar lapses,his views on physics and astronomy were hopelessly muddled. Plato,combining the Milesian and Pythagorean traditions,had been much nearer the mark,and so were later Hellenistic scientists like Aristarchus and Eratosthenes. Aristotle’s most famous contribution to systematic thought is probably his work in logic.

对Aristotle在science方面的conclusion是——300’s B. C. Aristotle’s studies in logic and classification contributed to the foundations of science.

第二个科学家——伽利略(Galileo),活了七十八岁。Galileo was the first great experimenter and the father of modem astronomy. He was also an outstanding mathematician. Galileo说Aristotle认为重东西先落地,不对,他跑上比萨斜塔(the Leaning Tower of Pisa),拿两个不同重量的球实验,结果证明Aristotle错了——但别人都错的时候,他一个人对没有用,他被大学赶走了。

Galileo又印了一本书,说太阳不动,动的是地球,于是,惹起公愤,虽然他对了——但别人都错的时候,他一个人对没有用,他被抓到“宗教裁判所”,宗教法庭(Inquisition)。Inquisition动不动就把人烧死,因为Galileo是大学者,又太老了(七十岁),又有点后台(有贵人保护),又“认错”,于是“优待”,改判为“终身软禁”(permanent house arrest)。House arrest,a form of arrest in which a person is confined under guard in his own house:Authorities insisted on one had been jailed but said some strikers were under house arrest.(Tuscaloosa News)

他“认错”后,偷偷在一个朋友耳边说:“但它(地球)还在动啊!”Yet is does move!(E pur si muove!)

他被关在家里,大诗人John Milton(当时三十岁)到Italy旅行,到Galileo家里拜访,Galileo已经瞎了,真巧,十四年后,Milton也瞎了。

John Milton,an English poet and political writer,wrote one of the world’s greatest epics,Paradise Lost.(1667)He composed this famous epic and two other works,Paradise Regained(1671)and Samson Agonistes(1671),when he was totally blind. Milton也坐过牢。

Galileo的头脑比时代新,所以老是倒霉,这叫“生不逢辰”(born at a wrong time;luckless;unlucky)。

对Galileo在science方面的conclusion是——c.1600 Galileo emphasized the mathematical interpretation of experiments in science.He discovered many important physical laws.

第三个科学家——哈维(William Harvey),活了七十九岁。

中文有句成语叫“周而复始”(to repeat the cycle all over again)。血在人身体里就是周而复始的。发现这一现象很不容易。

但是哈维发现了。哈维也指出过Aristotle的错误,但对Aristotle的敬爱并不因而减少。哈维有一个大阔佬病人,也是他的好朋友,就是当时英国的皇帝King Charles Ⅰ。后来Charles Ⅰ倒台,在Oxford地方哈维的许多稿本都被反对皇帝的人destroyed了,Their loss caused him great sorrow.

对William Harvey在science方面的conclusion是——l628 William Harvey published his theory on the circulation of the blood.

第四个科学家——波尔(Robert Boyle),活了六十四岁。

波尔是哲学家、物理学家、化学家(Boyle was a philosopher,a physicist and a chemist),“the father of modern chemistry”。