
第9章 沙丘的故事(9)

His period of service on board the ship came to an end,and the vessel lay once more at Ringkjobing in Jutland. He came ashore,and went home to the sanddunes near Hunsby,but his fostermother had died during his absence.


A hard winter followed this summer. Snowstorms swept over land and sea,and there was difficulty in getting from one place to another. How unequally things are distributeddistributed adj.分布式的 in this world! Here there was bitter cold and snowstorms,while in Spain there was burning sunshine and oppressiveoppressive adj.压制性的,压迫的,沉重的,难以忍受的 heat. Yet,when a clear frosty day came,and Jurgen saw the swans flying in numbers from the sea towards the land,across to NorreVosborg,it seemed to him that people could breathe more freely here,the summer also in this part of the world was splendid. In imagination he saw the heath blossom and become purple with rich juicyjuicy adj.多汁的,潮湿的,有趣的,报酬多的 berries,and the elderbushes and limetrees at Norre Vosborg in flower. He made up his mind to go there again.


Spring came,and the fishing began. Jurgen was now an active helper in this,for he had grown during the last year,and was quick at work. He was full of life,and knew how to swim,to tread water,and to turn over and tumble in the strong tide. They often warned him to beware of the sharks,which seize the best swimmer,draw him down,and devourdevour vt.(尤指动物)吞吃,狼吞虎咽,挥霍,(火灾等)毁灭,破坏,吞没,贪看,贪听 him; but such was not to be Jurgens fate.


At a neighbours house in the dunes there was a boy named Martin,with whom Jurgen was on very friendly terms,and they both took service in the same ship to Norway,and also went together to Holland. They never had a quarrel,but a person can be easily excited to quarrel when he is naturally hot tempered,for he often shows it in many ways,and this is just what Jurgen did one day when they fell out about the merest trifletrifle n.琐事,少量,蛋糕,v.开玩笑,玩弄,闭混,浪费,嘲弄。 They were sitting behind the cabin door,eating from a delft plate,which they had placed between them. Jurgen held his pocketknife in his hand and raised it towards Martin,and at the same time became ashy pale,and his eyes had an ugly look. Martin only said,“Ah! ah! you are one of that sort,are you? Fond of using the knife!”


The words were scarcely spoken,when Jurgens hand sank down. He did not answer a syllable,but went on eating,and afterwards returned to his work. When they were resting again he walked up to Martin and said:这话还没有说完,雨尔根的手就垂下来了。他一句话也不说,只是继续吃下去。后来他走开了,去做他的工作。他做完工作回来,就到莫尔登那儿去说:“Hit me in the face! I deserve it. But sometimes I feel as if I had a pot in me that boils over.”


“There,let the thing rest.” replied Martin. And after that they were almost better friends than ever,when afterwards they returned to the dunes and began telling their adventures,this was told among the rest. Martin said that Jurgen was certainly passionatepassionate adj.充满热情的,but a good fellow after all.


They were both young and healthy,wellgrown and strong; but Jurgen was the cleverer of the two.


In Norway the peasants go into the mountains and take the cattle there to find pasture. On the west coast of Jutland huts have been erected among the sandhills,they are built of pieces of wreck,and thatched with turf and heather; there are sleeping places round the walls,and here the fishermen live and sleep during the early spring. Every fisherman has a female helper,or manager as she is called,who baits his hooks,prepares warm beer for him when he comes ashore,and gets the dinner cooked and ready for him by the time he comes back to the hut tired and hungry. Besides this the managers bring up the fish from the boats,cut them open,prepare them,and have generally a great deal to do.


Jurgen,his father,and several other fishermen and their managers inhabited the same hut,Martin lived in the next one.


One of the girls,whose name was Else,had known Jurgen from childhood; they were glad to see each other,and were of the same opinion on many points,but in appearance they were entirely opposite; for he was dark,and she was pale,and fair,and had flaxen hair,and eyes as blue as the sea in sunshine.


As they were walking together one day,Jurgen held her hand very firmly in his,and she said to him.

有一天他们在一起散步,雨尔根紧紧地、热烈地握着她的手,她对他说:“Jurgen,I have something I want to say to you; let me be your manager,for you are like a brother to me; but Martin,whose housekeeper I am—he is my lover—but you need not tell this to the others.”