
第12章 沙丘的故事(12)

He was accused of nothing less than murder. Martin had been found dead,with his throatthroat n.咽喉,喉咙,嗓音,窄路vt.用喉音说,开沟于 cut. One of the fishermen,late on the previous evening,had met Jurgen going towards Martins house,this was not the first time Jurgen had raised his knife against Martin,so they felt sure that he was the murderer. The prison was in a town at a great distance,and the wind was contrary for going there by sea,but it would not take half an hour to get across the bay,and another quarter of an hour would bring them to NorreVosborg,the great castle with ramparts and moat. One of Jurgens captors was a fisherman,a brother of the keeper of the castle,and he said it might be managed that Jurgen should be placed for the present in the dungeon at Vosborg,where Long Martha the gipsy had been shut up till her execution. They paid no attention to Jurgens defence,the few drops of blood on his shirtsleeve bore heavy witness against him. But he was conscious of his innocenceinnocence n.清白,and as there was no chance of clearing himself at present he submitted to his fate.


The party landed just at the place where Sir Bugges castle had stood,and where Jurgen had walked with his fosterparents after the burial feast,during. the four happiest days of his childhood. He was led by the wellknown path,over the meadow to Vosborg,once more the elders were in bloom and the lofty limetrees gave forth sweet fragrance,and it seemed as if it were but yesterday that he had last seen the spot. In each of the two wings of the castle there was a staircasestaircase n.楼梯 which led to a place below the entrance,from whence there is access to a low,vaulted cellar. In this dungeon Long Martha had been imprisoned,and from here she was led away to the scaffold. She had eaten the hearts of five children,and had imagined that if she could obtain two more she would be able to fly and make herself invisible. In the middle of the roof of the cellar there was a little narrow airhole,but no window. The flowering lime trees could not breathe refreshing fragrance into that abode,where everything was dark and mouldy. There was only a rough bench in the cell; but a good conscience is a soft pillow,and therefore Jurgen could sleep well.


The thick oaken door was locked,and secured on the outside by an iron bar,but the goblin of superstition can creep through a keyhole into a barons castlecastle n.城堡 just as easily as it can into a fishermans cottage,and why should he not creep in here,where Jurgen sat thinking of Long Martha and her wicked deeds? Her last thoughts on the night before her execution had filled this place,and the magic that tradition asserted to have been practised here,in Sir Svanwedels time,came into Jurgens mind,and made him shudder; but a sunbeam,a refreshing thought from without,penetrated his heart even here—it was the remembrance of the flowering elder and the sweet smelling limetrees.


He was not left there long. They took him away to the town of Ringkjobing,where he was imprisoned with equal severityseverity n.严肃,严格,严重,激烈。


Those times were not like ours. The common people were treated harshly,and it was just after the days when farms were converted into knights estates,when coachmen and servants were often made magistratesmagistrate n.文职官员,地方官员,and had power to sentence a poor man,for a small offence,to lose his property and to corporeal punishment. Judges of this kind were still to be found,and in Jutland,so far from the capital,and from the enlightened,wellmeaning,head of the Government,the law was still very loosely administered sometimes—the smallest grievance Jurgen could expect was that his case should be delayed.


His dwelling was cold and comfortless; and how long would he be obliged to bear all this? It seemed his fate to suffer misfortune and sorrow innocentlyinnocently adv.无罪地,纯洁地。 He now had plenty of time to reflect on the difference of fortune on earth,and to wonder why this fate had been allotted to him,yet he felt sure that all would be made clear in the next life,the existence that awaits us when this life is over. His faith had grown strong in the poor fishermans cottage,the light which had never shone into his fathers mind,in all the richness and sunshine of Spain,was sent to him to be his comfort in poverty and distress,a sign of that mercy of God which never fails.