
第11章 沙丘的故事(11)

“But Martin has no house and cannot get one.”


“Suppose he had one?”


“Well,then I would certainly take Martin,for that is what my heart tells me; but one cannot live upon love.”


Jurgen turned these things over in his mind all night. Something was working within him,he hardly knew what it was,but it was even stronger than his love for Else,and so he went to Martins,and what he said and did there was well considered. He let the house to Martin on most liberal terms,saying that he wished to go to sea again,because he loved it. And Else kissed him when she heard of it,for she loved Martin best.


Jurgen proposed to start early in the morning,and on the evening before his departure,when it was already getting rather late,he felt a wish to visit Martin once more. He started,and among the dunes met the old fisherman,who was angry at his leaving the place. The old man made jokes about Martin,and declared there must be some magic about that fellow,of whom the girls were so fond.


Jurgen did not pay any attention to his remarks,but said goodbye to the old man and went on towards the house where Martin dwelt. He heard loud talking inside,Martin was not alone,and this made Jurgen waver in his determinationdetermination n.决心,果断,for he did not wish to see Else again. On second thoughts,he decided that it was better not to hear any more thanks from Martin,and so he turned back.


On the following morning,before the sun rose,he fastened his knapsack on his back,took his wooden provision box in his hand,and went away among the sandhills towards the coast path. This way was more pleasant than the heavy sand road,and besides it was shorter,and he intended to go first to Fjaltring,near Bovbjerg,where the eelbreeder lived,to whom he had promised a visit.


The sea lay before him,clear and blue,and the mussel shells and pebbles,the playthings of his childhood,crunched over his feet. While he thus walked on his nose suddenly began to bleed,it was a trifling occurrence,but trifles sometimes are of great importance. A few large drops of blood fell upon one of his sleeves. He wiped them off and stopped the bleeding,and it seemed to him as if this had cleared and lightened his brain. The seacale bloomed here and there in the sand as he passed. He broke off a spray and stuck it in his hat,he determined to be merry and lighthearted,for he was going out into the wide world—“a little way out,beyond the bay” as the young eels had said. “Beware of bad people who will catch you,and skin you,and put you in the fryingpan!” he repeated in his mind,and smiled,for he thought he should find his way through the world—good courage is a strong weapon!


The sun was high in the heavens when he approached the narrow entrance to Nissum Bay. He looked back and saw a couple of horsemen gallopinggallop vi.飞驰,急速进行vt.使飞跑 n.疾驰,飞奔 a long distance behind him,and there were other people with them. But this did not concern him.


The ferryboat was on the opposite side of the bay. Jurgen called to the ferryman,and the latter came over with his boat. Jurgen stepped in,but before he had got halfway across,the men whom he had seen riding so hastily,came up,hailed the ferryman,and commanded him to return in the name of the law. Jurgen did not understand the reason of this,but he thought it would be best to turn back,and therefore he himself took an oar and returned. As soon as the boat touched the shore,the men sprang on board,and before he was aware of it,they had bound his hands with a rope.


“This wicked deed will cost you your life.” they said. “It is a good thing we have caught you.”
