
第1410章 The Silver Chair(263)

They came down to the river, flowing bright and blue in inter sunshine, far below the last bridge (which is at the nug, red.roofed little town of Beruna) and were ferried cross in a flat barge by the ferryman; or rather, by the rry.wiggle, for it is Marsh.wiggles who do most of the atery and fishy kinds of work in Narnia. And when they ad crossed they rode along the south bank of the river nd presently came to Cair Paravel itself. And at the very oment of their arrival they saw that same bright ship hich they had seen when they first set foot in Narnia,gliding up the river like a huge bird. All the court were once more assembled on the green between the castle and the quay to welcome King Caspian home again. Rilian, who had changed his black clothes and was now dressed in a scarlet cloak over silver mail, stood close to the water‘s edge, bare. headed, to receive his father; and the Dwarf Trumpkin sat beside him in his little donkey.chair. The children saw there would be no chance of reaching the Prince through all that crowd, and, anyway, they now felt rather shy. So they asked the Centaurs if they might go on sitting on their backs a little longer and thus see everything over the heads of the courtiers. And the Centaurs said they might.