
第53章 SCULPTURE雕塑(8)

At each end of the Parthenon there is a large triangular space made by the sloping roof and in these two triangular spaces were groups of superb,heroic size figures of gods and goddesses.Heroic size means hero size—that is,bigger than real life.They are in the full round.That is,they stand free from the back.But,unfortunately again,little is left.The group in one triangular end represented the birth of Athene.

Athene was not born as a tiny baby,but full grown and fully armed,and she came from the brain of the king of the gods—that is why she was so wise.Zeus,the chief of the gods,was in the center of this group.Vulcan,the blacksmith god,had just struck him on the head with his hammer,and according to the story,Athene in full armor sprang out of his head.On each side of this central group,the other gods and goddesses are looking on.Some are standing,some are sitting,some are lying down.The groups were planned to fit the triangular spaces.Of the statues remaining,one is Theseus,taken from the left corner,and the so-called Three Fates,from the right corner.The Three Fates are a good test of your imagination,for they have no heads,hands,or feet.Can you imagine what they once looked like?

Lord Elgin,an English nobleman,saw these sculptures many years ago and thought them so beautiful that he wanted his country to have them.In the position in which the frieze was placed on the Parthenon,they could not be seen properly and they were gradually being destroyed,for there seemed to be no one interested enough to take any care of them.So he bought most of them for what amounted to one third of a million dollars and took them to England,where they were put in the British Museum.They are known now as the Elgin marbles.

But the greatest of all the sculpture that Phidias made was not in Athens.It was in a temple at Olympia.For this temple he made a statue of Zeus.It too was made of gold and ivory,and it too has disappeared.A single lock of the statue’s “hair”is said to have been worth a thousand dollars.This statue of Zeus was so famous that every Greek hoped to see it before he died and it was called one of the Seven Wonders of the World.Phidias,when he had completed it,prayed Zeus to show in some way if he liked the statue of himself.Whereupon a thunderbolt shot down from the blue sky overhead and fell at the sculptor’s feet!

No.37-2THE THREE FATES(《命运三女神》)FROM THE PARTHENON(来自帕台农神庙)But the great Phidias,after all he had done,was put in prison.You’d never guess why!Just because he had cut a picture of himself on the shield of the Athene in the Parthenon.This,to the Athenians.was a terrible crime.A mortal to put a picture of himself on the shield of their goddess!And so in prison Phidias died.What an end for the greatest sculptor that ever lived!

















HAVE you a Greek nose?Do you know what a Greek nose is?It’s a nose which forms a straight line from the forehead as seen from the side.Look at the people around you and see if any have Greek noses.Very few do have them nowadays and not all of the old Greeks had them,either,but the Greek sculptors thought this kind of nose the most beautiful and so they made Greek noses on their statues.Here is a statue that shows a perfect Greek nose.It is a statue of the messenger of the gods,whose name was Hermes.