
第24章 PAINTING绘画(24)

No.17-2THE NIGHT WATCH(《夜巡》)REMBRANDT(伦勃朗作)Courtesy of The Universtiy Prints

Now,when the members of the guard saw the picture,they did not like it.

“We paid to have our portraits painted,”they said “and here the artist has stuck us in the background where it is so dark we can hardly even be recognized.”

Other Dutchmen laughed at the picture.“We can’t tell whether it represents night or day,”they said.And from that time on Rembrandt sold fewer and fewer pictures.

Wouldn’t you like me to show you a list starting with the very best artist in the whole world and then giving the second best and then the third,and so on down to the twentieth or fiftieth or hundredth best artist?Well,I’m not going to show you any such list,not because I don’t want to,but because no one in the world can make such a list.If I did,it would be only my private opinion.It wouldn’t be the best artist and the next best and so on,but the artist I think is best and the one I think is next best.And just because i think he’s best doesn’t mean he is best.No one artist is so much greater than all other artists that every one can say,“He is undoubtedly the best.”

But if all the men who know most about such things made their own private lists of the best,I’m pretty sure all the lists would have Rembrandt somewhere near the top.

So remember how great an artist people think Rembrandt was and if you ever in your whole life get a chance to see one of his real pictures —-not just a copy in a book—be sure to look at it long and thoughtfully.Then see where he would come on your list of great artists.
















“DON’T forget to dot your i’s.Be sure to cross your t’s.”Has your teacher ever said that to you?I always used to have a hard time remembering to dot all the i’s when I wrote compositions at school.But suppose I had gone to school in Germany.There the school children have to be careful about dotting u’s as well as i’s!For in Germany there are two kinds of u—a plain u like ours,and a u with two dots on it like this,ü.A u with two dots is sounded something like our u in pure.

I wanted to tell you about the dotted u right at the beginning of this chapter because if I didn’t I know you would ask what the two dots are for when you see them on the name of the German artist Albrecht Dürer.His name,you notice,is not Durer but Dürer.He lived and painted at the same time as Titian,Tintoretto,Michelangelo,and Leonardo da Vinci.In fact,he knew some of the great Italian artists personally,for he took a trip to Venice and stayed there for some time.Germany was having a Born Again time as well as Italy and Flanders and later the Netherlands,and Albrecht Dürer was the great artist of the German Renaissance.

Dürer didn’t paint much like the Italians.He painted many kinds of pictures,but his portraits are more famous than his other paintings.And besides paintings,Dürer made engravings.To make an engraving the artist cuts the lines of a picture in wood or copper.Then he puts ink in the lines and presses the wood or copper on a piece of paper.The picture that is printed this way is an engraving.

Dürer made many engravings and he is one painter who is as celebrated for his engravings as for his paintings.Some of his engravings —the one called “Melancholy,”for instance—are as well-known all over the world as his best paintings.