
第20章 马里兰州(3)

The female oriole’s feathers are brownish-olive and dull orange,but the male’s plumage is black and golden orange not unlike colors in the Calvert shield.This similarity led to its early association with the name of the Maryland proprietor(所有者,经营者).In 1698,“Baltemore Birds”were among the “Beasts of Curiosity”ordered sent from Maryland to grace the royal gardens.In 1894,Baltimore’s major league baseball team was named after the bird.

Maryland made special provisions to protect the Baltimore Oriole in 1882.Since passage of the Migratory Bird(候鸟)Treaty Act of 1918,the Baltimore Oriole is protected by federal law covering all migratory bird species,and,since 1975,by the State’s Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act.

Despite its special status,since 1966(and more rapidly after 1980)the number of Baltimore Orioles has been declining.The loss is attributed to destruction of breeding habitat and tropical winter habitat,and toxic(有毒的)pesticides(杀虫剂)ingested(摄取)by the insects which constitute the Oriole’s main diet.

In the late 1930s,Hoagy Carmichael composed the song,“Baltimore Oriole,”lyrics by Paul Francis Webster.


1.6.5inches lennth

2.Sharply-pointed bill


1.Black head,back,wings and tail

2.Orange underparts,shoulder,and rump

3.Orange tips to outer tail feathers

4.White wing bar and edges

5.Immature male similar to female but brighter orange with variable amounts of black on head


1.Brownish-gray upperparts

2.Dull yellowish-orange breast and undertail coverts

3.Gray belly

4.Two wing bars

State Flower州花


The Black-Eyed Susan(Rudbeckia hirta)has been the official Maryland flower since 1918when it was designated the “Floral Emblem”of Maryland by the General Assembly.

In his Species Plantarum(1753),the Swedish naturalist Linnaeus described and named the flower Rudbeckia([植]黄雏菊植物)after Olav Rudbeck and his son,both professors at the University of Uppsala,and hirta from the Latin meaning “rough hairy”.

Black-eyed susan is a rough,hairy perennial daisies(雏菊)or coneflowers(金花菊),members of the sunflower family(Asteraceae).The flower’s yellow rays circle a dark-brown,spherical(球形的)center measuring 2to 3inches in diameter.Commonly found in fields and on roadsides,they bloom between May and August,reaching 2to 3feet in height.They are native to the United States,east of the Rocky Mountains.

Height:Plants are up to two feet tall,with narrow,toothed leaves that .

Leaves:Spaced alternately on the stem,mostly basal(基部的)with coarse(粗糙的)hairs.

Flower:Biennial(二年生植物)that flowers at the end of the second growing season.Heads are about two inches across.The short disc flowers in the center of the head are dark purplish-black,whereas the long outside ray flowers are bright yellow.

Fruit:Smooth,four-angled achenes([植]瘦果).

Habitat:The Black-eyed Susan is a biennial that thrives(茁壮成长,旺盛)in the high temps and direct sunlight.It is usually found in the meadows and pastures,as well as old fields and roadsides.They usually grow in undisturbed habitats and,even flourished in the Western Prairies in the early to mid 1900’s.They however,are not as common as they were.The R.hirta.can also survive very well under cultivation and if cared for properly can flower a third year.Although they are found in Canada,they are not prevalent(流行的)in many areas,such as Nova Scotia.

State Flag州旗

马里兰州旗具有Calvert家族(在美洲的英国殖民者家族)和Crossland家族的武器标志,Calvert是建立马里兰巴尔的摩勋爵的姓。他们金黄和黑色相间的颜色出现在旗帜的第一和第四部分。Crossland是巴尔的摩第一个勋爵George Calvert母亲的姓。他们红白相间的颜色出现在第三和第四部分。在1904年马里兰州采用此州旗。

Maryland’s flag bears the arms of the Calvert and Crossland families.Calvert was the family name of the Lords Baltimore who founded Maryland,and their colors of gold and black appear in the first and fourth quarters of the flag.Crossland was the family of the mother of George Calvert,first Lord Baltimore.The red and white Crossland colors,with a cross bottony,appear in the second and third quarters.This flag first was flown October 11,1880,in Baltimore at a parade marking the 150th anniversary(周年纪念)of the founding of Baltimore.It also was flown October 25,1888,at Gettysburg Battlefield for ceremonies dedicating(题词)monuments(纪念碑)to Maryland regiments of the Army of the Potomac(波拖马可河).Officially,it was adopted as the State flag in 1904.

State Song州歌

Maryland My Maryland

The despot’s heel is on thy shore,

Maryland,My Maryland!

His torch is at thy temple door,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Avenge the patriotic gore(淤血)

That flecked the streets of Baltimore,

And be the battle queen of yore(〈书〉往昔),

Maryland!My Maryland!

Hark to an exiled(流亡的)son’s appeal,

Maryland,My Maryland!

My Mother State!to thee I kneel,

Maryland,My Maryland!

For life and death,for woe(悲哀)and weal(幸福),

Thy peerless(无可匹敌的)chivalry(骑士精神)reveal,

And gird(束缚)they beauteous(美丽的)limbs(翼)with steel,

Maryland!My Maryland!

Thou wilt(憔悴)not cower(退缩)in the dust,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Thy beaming sword shall never rust,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Remember Carroll’s sacred trust,

Remember Howard’s warlike thrust,

And all they slumberers with the just,

Maryland!My Maryland!

Come!’tis the red dawn of the day,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Come with thy panoplied(全套披甲的)array,

Maryland,My Maryland!

With Ringgold’s spirit for the fray,

With Watson’s blood at Monterey,

With fearless Lowe and dashing May,

Maryland!My Maryland!

Come!for thy shield is bright and strong,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Come!for thy dalliance does thee wrong,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Come!to thine own heroic throng(群集),

Stalking with Liberty along,

And cgive a new Key to thy song,

Maryland!My Maryland!

Dear Mother!burst the tyrant’s chain,

Maryland,My Maryland!

Virginia should not call in vain!

Maryland,My Maryland!

She meets her sisters on the plain

“Sic semper!”’tis the proud refrain

That baffles(困惑)minions(宠臣)back amain(突然),

Maryland!My Maryland!

I see the blush(脸红)upon thy cheek,

Maryland,My Maryland!

For thou wast ever bravely meek,

Maryland,My Maryland!

But lo!There surges forth a shriek(尖叫)

From hill to hill,from creek to creek