
第12章 The Facts in theCase of the GreatBeef Contract(1)


In as few words as possible I wish to lay before the nation whats here, however small, I have had in this matter—this matter which has so exercised the public mind, engenderedengender v.造成 so much illfeeling, and so filled the newspapers of both continents with distorted statements and extravagantextravagant adj.奢侈的, 浪费的, 过分的, 放纵的 comments.


The origin of this distressful thing was this—and I assert here that every fact in the following resumeresume n.摘要, 概略, <美> 履历 vt.再继续, 重新开始,重新占用, 再用, 恢复 can be amply proved by the official records of the General Government.

这里我要声明的是,在以下的简介中,每一件事都可以用中央政府的档案充分地予以证实——这件不幸的事是这样引起的:John Wilson Mackenzie, of Rotterdam, Chemung County, New Jersey, deceased, contracted with the General Government, on or about the 10th day of October, 1861, to furnish to General Sherman the sum total of thirty barrelsbarrel n.桶 vt.装入桶内 of beef.


Very well.


He started after Sherman with the beef, but when he got to Washington Sherman had gone to Manassas, so he took the beef and followed him there, but arrived too late, he followed him to Nashville, and from Nashville to Chattanooga, and from Chattanooga to Atlanta—but he never could overtakeovertake vt.赶上, 追上, (暴风雨、麻烦等)突然来袭, 压倒 him. At Atlanta he took a fresh start and followed him clear through his march to the sea. He arrived too late again by a few days, but hearing that Sherman was going out in the Quaker City excursion to the Holy Land, he took shipping for Beirut, calculating to head off the other vessel. When he arrived in Jerusalem with his beef, he learned that Sherman had not sailed in the Quaker City, but had gone to the Plains to fight the Indians. He returned to America and started for the Rocky Mountains. After sixtyeight days of arduousarduous adj.费劲的, 辛勤的, 险峻的 travel on the Plains, and when he had got within four miles of Shermans headquarters, he was tomahawkedtomahawk n.印第安战斧, 钺 vt.用战斧斩 and scalped, and the Indians got the beef. They got all of it but one barrel. Shermans army captured that, and so, even in death, the bold navigator partly fulfilled his contract. In his will, which he had kept like a journal, he bequeathedbequeath vt.遗赠, 遗留, 把…传下去 the contractcontract n.合同, 契约, 婚约 v.使缩短, 感染, 订约 to his son Bartholomew W. Bartholomew W. made out the following bill, and then died.

他带着牛肉去找谢尔曼,但是,等他赶到华盛顿,谢尔曼已经去马纳萨斯;于是他又装好了牛肉,跟踪到那里,可是到达那里已经晚了;于是他又跟踪谢尔曼去纳什维尔,然后从纳什维尔去查塔努加,再从查塔努加去亚特兰大——然而,他始终没能追赶上。他从亚特兰大再一次整装出发,紧沿着谢尔曼的路线直趋海滨。这一次他又迟到了几天;但是,听说谢尔曼准备乘“贵格城”号去圣地旅行,他就乘了一艘开往贝鲁特的轮船,打算超过前一艘轮船。当他带着牛肉抵达耶路撒冷时,他获悉谢尔曼并没乘“贵格城”号出航,而是到大草原去打印第安人了。他回到美国,向落基山进发。在大草原上历尽艰辛,走了68天,离谢尔曼的大本营只4英里地,他被印第安人用战斧劈死,剥去头皮,牛肉也被印第安人抢走了。他们抢走了几乎所有的牛肉,只丢下其中的一桶。谢尔曼的军队截下了那一桶牛肉;所以,那位勇敢的航海者虽然自己身死,但仍旧部分履行了他的合同。在一份以日记形式写的遗嘱中,他将那份合同传给了他的儿子巴塞洛缨·W。巴塞洛缨开列了以下的账单,随后就死了:THE UNITED STATES

In account with JOHN WILSON MACKENZIE, of New Jersey, deceased,…Dr.

To thirty barrels of beef for General Sherman, at 100, 3,000 To traveling expenses and transportation…14,000

Total…17,000 Recd Payt.




旅费与运输费 14000元

共计 17000元


He died then, but he left the contract to Wm. J. Martin, who tried to collect it, but died before he got through. He left it to Barker J. Allen, and he tried to collect it also. He did not survive. Barker J. Allen left it to Anson G. Rogers, who attempted to collect it, and got along as far as the Ninth Auditors Office, when Death, the great Leveler, came all unsummoned, and foreclosedforeclose vt.排除在外, 妨碍, 自称, 阻止, 预先处理,取消抵押品赎回权 vi.[律]取消抵押品赎回权 on him also. He left the bill to a relative of his in Connecticut, Vengeance Hopkins by name, who lasted four weeks and two days, and made the best time on record, coming within one of reaching the Twelfth Auditor. In his will he gave the contract bill to his uncle, by the name of Obejoyful Johnson. It was too undermining for joyful. His last words were: “Weep not for me—I am willing to go.” And so he was, poor soul. Seven people inheritedinherited adj.通过继承得到的,遗传的 继承权的 the contract after that, but they all died. So it came into my hands at last. It fell to me through a relative by the name of, HubbardBethlehem Hubbard, of Indiana. He had had a grudge against me for a long time, but in his last moments he sent for me, and forgave me everything, and, weeping, gave me the beef contract.


This ends the history of it up to the time that I succeeded to the propertyproperty n.财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具。 I will now endeavor to set myself straight before the nation in everything that concerns my share in the matter. I took this beef contract, and the bill for mileagemileage n.英里数, 英里里程 and transportation, to the President of the United States.


He said, “Well, sir, what can I do for you? ”


I said, “Sir, on or about the 10th day of October, 1861, John Wilson Mackenzie, of Rotterdam, Chemung County, New Jersey, deceased, contracted with the General Government to furnishfurnish vt.供应, 提供, 装备, 布置 v.供给 to General Sherman the sum total of thirty barrels of beef—”


He stopped me there, and dismissed me from hi presence—kindly, but firmly. The next day called on the Secretary of State.


He said, “Well, sir? ”
