
第5章 音标(4)

u -full /fUl / 满的

oo-book /bUk/ 书

oul-could /kUd/ 能

A good book is a good friend.


The cook is looking for his book.



shoe /Su:/ n. 鞋子

cool /ku:l/ a. 凉的

glue /gl u:/ n. 胶水

rude /ru:d/ a. 无礼的

choose /tSu:z/ v. 选择

move /mu:v/ v. 搬家

school /sku:l/ n. 学校

group /gru:p/ n. 组,团体


wool /wUl / n. 羊毛

good /gU d/ a. 好的

sugar /5SUg / n. 糖

wood /wUd/ n. 树林

put /pUt/ v. 放

into /5IntU/ prep. 进入

cook /kUk/ v. 烹调

football /5fUtb:l/ n. 足球


He had a loose tooth.


Bruce is in the mood to see a movie.



If a student chews shoes,should the student choose theshoes he chews.


Give two true tools to thetroops.


How many cookies could agood cook cook if a good cookcould cook cookies A good cookcould cook as many cookies asa good cook who could cookcookies.


But all of this cannot come to pass until we bring an end to thiswar in Iraq. Most of you know I opposed this war from the start. Ithought it was a tragic mistake. Today we grieve for the families whohave lost loved ones, the hearts that have been broken, and the younglives that could have been. America, its time to start bringing ourtroops home. Its time to admit that no amount of American lives canresolve the political disagreement that lies at the heart of someoneelses civil war. Thats why I have a plan that will bring our combattroops home by March of 2008. Letting the Iraqis know that we will not be there forever is our last, best hope to pressure the Sunni andShia to come to the table and find peace.


你们中的大多数人都知道,我从一开始就反对这场战争。我认为这是一个悲剧性的错误。今天,我们为那些失去亲人的家庭,无数心碎的人们以及那些消逝的年轻生命而感到悲痛。美国人民,撤回我们的军队的时候到了,承认牺牲再多美国人的生命也无法解决由别国内战所引起的政治分歧的时候到了。这就是为什么我构思了一个在2008 年3 月撤回我们作战部队计划的原因。让伊拉克人民知道,我们不可能永远驻扎在那里,这是我们迫使逊尼和什叶两派回到谈判桌前磋商寻求和平解决途径的最后也是最美好的希望。


Now, I dont believe that Senator McCain doesnt care whatsgoing on in the lives of Americans. I just think he doesnt know.

Why else would he define middle-class as someone making underfive million dollars a year How else could he propose hundreds ofbillions in tax breaks for big corporations and oil companies but notone penny of tax relief to more than one hundred million AmericansHow else could he offer a health care plan that would actually taxpeoples benefits, or an education plan that would do nothing to helpfamilies pay for college, or a plan that would privatize Social Securityand gamble your retirement

我不相信麦凯恩参议员不关心美国人的生活,我想他只是不知道。否则他怎么会将中产阶级定义为年收入少于500 万美元的人呢?否则他怎么会提出了上千亿美元的针对大企业和石油公司的减税计划,却不肯为超过一亿的普通美国大众减免哪怕只是一分钱?否则他怎么会提出实际加重了人民负担的医疗政策?怎么会提出对美国家庭毫无帮助的教育政策?怎么会提出社会保障的私人账户计划,这不是拿你的退休金赌博吗?

6. /S:/-


Miss Congeniality 2 《麻辣女王2》节选

Gracie Hart: Dont talk to meabout pain, sister. I inventedpain, all rightSam Fuller: No, you didnt justcall me sister. Because I dontrecall seeing a little, skinny-asswhite girl at the table growing up.




Gracie Hart: Hey! First of all,thank you for calling me skinny.

Second of all, what is yourproblem And third of all, youdbetter apologize to me, right哈特:嘿!首先,谢谢你说我苗条。第二,你的问题是什么?第三,你最好向我道歉,知道吗?

Jane: WhatRivers: You arer ich , qu i te anheiress. Will youask how muchyou are worth

Jane: How mucham I worth

Rivers: Twenty thousand pounds.

If you had committed a murderand Id found you out, you couldscarcely look more aghast.

Jane: There must be somemistake.

Rivers: Not at all. You look

Jane Eyre 《简·爱》节选




desperately miserable about it, I must say. Please sit down. Iveshocked you.

Jane: Mr. St. John. The debt Iowe to you and your sisters...

Rivers: Its nothing.





bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发元音/S:/ 时,上下唇和上下齿自然张开,舌头自然垂放,双唇略圆,向前突出。


发元音/o/ 时,嘴巴张大,上下齿分开,双唇稍稍收圆。舌头位于口腔中央。


horse /hos/ 马

frog /frdZ/ 青蛙


door /d:/ n. 门

law /l:/ n. 法律

paw /p:/ n. 爪子

floor /fl:/ n. 楼层

author /5:T/ n. 作者

border /5b:d/ n. 边界

daughter /5d:t/ n. 女儿

always /5:lweIz/ ad. 一直

job /dZ dZ/ n. 工作

knock /dZ/ v. 敲,打

teapot /dZ dZdZ/ n. 茶壶

sorry /dZ/ a. 对不起的

stop /dZ/ v. 塞住;阻止;停止

modern /dZ/ a. 新式的,现代的

object /dZ / n. 物,物体;目的

office /dZ / n. 办公室;处,局,社


a-water /5w:t/ 水

al-chalk /tS:k/ 粉笔

au-autumn /:tm/ 秋天

aw-saw /s:/ 锯子

or-horse /hos/ 马

oar-board /b:d/ 木板

ore-sore /s:/ 剧烈的

our-four /f:/ 四

a-want /wnt/ 想要

o-hot /ht/ 热的

au-because /b5kz/ 因为

ow-knowledge /5nl dZ/ 知识


I thought a thought. Butthe thought I thought wasnt thethought I thought I thought.


Paul called from the hallthat he had slipped on the floorand couldnt get to the door.


If you must cross a crossing,cross the crossing carefully.


When a doctor doctorsanother doctor, does he doctorthe doctored doctor the way


A little pot is soon getting hot.


It is so hot in the office block.



Dont drink raw water.


He was born four years ago.



Thats what Abraham Lincoln understood. He had his doubts.

He had his defeats. He had his setbacks. But through his will and hiswords, he moved a nation and helped free a people. It is because ofthe millions who rallied to his cause that we are no longer divided,North and South, slave and free. It is because men and women ofevery race, from every walk of life, continued to march for freedomlong after Lincoln was laid to rest, that today we have the chanceto face the challenges of this millennium together, as one people-asAmericans.
