
第1章 The Cop andthe Anthem(1)


On his bench in Madison Square Soapy moved uneasily. When wild geese honk high of nights, and when women without sealskinsealskinn.海豹皮 coats grow kind to their husbands, and when Soapy moves uneasily on his bench in the park, you may know that winter is near at hand.


A dead leaf fell in Soapys lap. That was Jack Frosts card. Jack is kind to the regular denizens of Madison Square, and gives fair warning of his annual call. At the corners of four streets he hands his pasteboardpasteboard n.纸板, <俚>纸牌 adj.纸板做的, 不坚实的 to the North Wind, footman of the mansionmansionn.大厦, 官邸, 公寓(用复数,用于专有名词中) of All Outdoors, so that the inhabitants thereof may make ready.


Soapys mind became cognisant of the fact that the time had come for him to resolve himself into a singularsingularn.单数adj.单一的, 非凡的, 异常的, 持异议的 committee of Ways and Means to provide against the coming rigour. And therefore he moved uneasily on his bench.


The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them there were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporificsoporific adj.催眠的, 想睡的 n.催眠剂, 安眠药,使人昏昏沉沉的东西 Southern skies drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. Three months on the Island was what his soul craved. Three months of assured board and bed and congenial company, safe from Boreas and bluecoatsbluecoat n.穿蓝色衣服或制服的人、警察、士兵, seemed to Soapy the essence of things desirable.


For years the hospitable Blackwells had been his winter quarters. Just as his more fortunate fellow New Yorkers had bought their tickets to Palm Beach and the Riviera each winter, so Soapy had made his humble arrangementsarrangementn.排列, 安排 for his annual hegira to the Island. And now the time was come. On the previous night three Sabbath newspapers, distributed beneath his coat, about his anklesankle n.[解]踝 and over his lap, had failed to repulse the cold as he slept on his bench near the spurting fountain in the ancient square. So the Island loomed big and timely in Soapys mind. He scorned the provisionsprovision n.供应, (一批)供应品, 预备, 防备, 规定 made in the name of charity for the citys dependents. In Soapys opinion the Law was more benign than Philanthropy. There was an endless round of institutions, municipalmunicipaladj.市政的, 市立的, 地方性的, 地方自治的 and eleemosynaryeleemosynaryadj.施舍的, 接受接济的, 慈善的, on which he might set out and receive lodging and food accordant with the simple life. But to one of Soapys proud spirit the gifts of charity are encumbered. If not in coin you must pay in humiliation of spirit for every benefit received at the hands of philanthropy. As Caesar had his Brutus, every bed of charity must have its toll of a bath, every loaf of bread its compensationcompensationn.补偿, 赔偿 of a private and personal inquisitioninquisitionn.调查, 探究, 审理, (中世纪天主教审判异教徒)宗教裁判所。 Wherefore it is better to be a guest of the law, which though conducted by rules, does not meddle unduly with a gentlemans private affairs.


Soapy, having decided to go to the Island, at once set about accomplishing his desire. There were many easy ways of doing this. The pleasantest was to dine luxuriously at some expensive restaurant; and then, after declaring insolvencyinsolvency n.无力偿还, 破产, be handed over quietly and without uproar to a policeman. An accommodating magistratemagistrate n.文职官员, 地方官员 would do the rest.


Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphaltasphalt n.沥青, where Broadway and Fifth Avenue flow together. Up Broadway he turned, and halted at a glittering cafe, where are gathered together nightly the choicest products of the grape, the silkwormsilkworm n.蚕, 桑蚕, 家蚕 and the protoplasmprotoplasmn.[生]原生质。


Soapy had confidence in himself from the lowest button of his vest upward. He was shaven, and his coat was decent and his neat black, readytied fourinhand had been presented to him by a lady missionary on Thanksgiving Day. If he could reach a table in the restaurant unsuspected success would be his. The portion of him that would show above the table would raise no doubt in the waiters mind. A roasted mallard duck, thought Soapy, would be about the thing—with a bottle of Chablis, and then Camembert, a demitasse and a cigar. One dollar for the cigar would be enough. The total would not be so high as to call forth any supreme manifestationmanifestation n.显示, 表现, 示威运动 of revenge from the cafe management; and yet the meat would leave him filled and happy for the journey to his winter refugerefuge n.庇护, 避难, 避难所。
