
第30章 交通(3)

I want to catch an express train to Paris.我想乘坐开往巴黎的特快列车。

What train are you taking?你要坐哪列车?

Does this train have a sleeping car?这列车有卧铺吗?

Does this train carry a dining car?这列车有餐车吗?

Is there a direct train from here to Kaohsiung?这儿有直达高雄的火车吗?

May I have a timetable?请问有列车时刻表吗?

Round-trip to Paris,please.巴黎往返,谢谢。


What track does the train to Taichung leave on?开往台中的火车在哪儿?

What station does the train to Taipei leave from


Does this train go direct to Chicago?这列车是直达芝加哥的吗?

Is this train a super express?这列车是特快列车吗?

When is the next train to London?开往伦敦的下一班列车什么时候出发?

Give me two first-class round-trip tickets to New York.


One-way to London,please.请给我一张伦敦单程票。

Would you please tell me where the ticket office is 请问售票窗口在哪儿?

When will the ticket office be open here?这里的售票窗口什么时候开门?

情境2 车上


Where is the information counter?请问问询处怎么走?

How long does it take to go to Chicago?请问去芝加哥要多长时间?

What time do we get to Paris 几点能到巴黎?

Excuse me,will you move over a little?不好意思,借过一下。

Where are we now?咱们现在到哪儿了?

Where is this train passing now?现在火车到哪儿了?

How long does this train stop at Taiyuan 这列火车在太原大概停留多久?

What is the next station?下一站是哪儿?

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

What did you say your station was?你是哪站下车来着?

Is this the right train to New York?这列车是开往纽约的吗?

I took the wrong train.我坐错车了。

I have lost my ticket. What shall I do?我的车票丢了。我该怎么办?

Is this seat taken?这个座位有人坐了吗?

Would you like to change seat with me?你愿意跟我换换座位吗?

Where did I have to transfer to go to Taipei?去台北得在哪儿转车?


Shall we eat something in the refreshment room?


Excuse me,please make way.不好意思,借过一下。

Can I stop over on the way to Paris 去巴黎的路上我能中途下车吗?

Where did you take this train from 你从哪儿上的车?

How far are you going?你要走多远?

This train is going in the opposite direction to London.


Do you know where the conductor is 你知道售票员在哪儿吗?

I am sorry to trouble you,but would you please keep this seat for me?


I have reserved this seat for my wife.这个座位是给我妻子占的。

Will you remind me when we get to New York?到了纽约能提醒我一下吗?

Please let me know when we reach Venice.等到了威尼斯请提醒我一下。

You will have to change trains at Taipei Station.你得在台北站换乘。

You can get off at the next station and transfer to the train to London.


Could I have a transfer,please?请问能倒车吗?

Can I make good connections to London?能直接换乘去伦敦的车吗?

Is this train well connected to the bus?这趟火车跟公交车衔接近吗?

情境3 行李


Whose bag is this 这个包是谁的?

Are these two suitcases ours?这两个手提箱都是咱们的吗?

I have left my handbag in the train.我把手袋忘在火车上了。

What kind of baggage?什么样的行李?

Do you have any other baggage?你还有其他行李吗?

Have you seen a big yellow case I can't find my suitcase.


Where can I find a porter?请问在哪儿能找到行李搬运工?


Are there any porters in this station?这个车站有行李搬运工吗?

Where can I check my baggage?请问行李托运处在哪儿?

My case is broken. Do you know where I should report it?


Shall we get the luggage down before it stops?


Oh ****! I forgot to take my bag out of the train.


You must check your luggage in before noon.


May I go with you to claim my luggage?请问我能和你一起去取行李吗?

Is there any contraband in your luggage?你行李里有什么违禁品吗?



A:Are you okay,Vic? You look kind of pale.


B:I think it's motion sickness.


A:You didn't eat anything on the train?


B:I don't have an appetite.


A:Well,I'll go to the dining car and get some hot drinks for you.


B:Thank you. Could you please buy me some medicine for motion sickness.


A:Sure,you should have a rest now.



情境1 买车


I need a car.我需要一辆车。

That is a nice sports car.那辆跑车非常不错。

This car is a lemon.这辆车价值连城。

→lemon 无价值之物

I want a convertible for my birthday.我想要辆敞篷车作为我的生日礼物。

→convertible 敞篷车

How much extra is it to have an air conditioner installed?


What's the warranty for this car?这辆车的保修期多长?

What's this car's sticker price?这辆车标价多少?


I need a set of wheels.我想买辆车。

The jeep was developed for the use in the military.


Subcompacts are uncomfortable,but they"re gas efficient.


→Subcompacts 小轿车

This car is very easy to drive. It has power steering and power brakes.


Is it a two-door or four-door sedan 是两门还是四门轿车?

→sedan 轿车

This station wagon is too small. We need a van.


→wagon 行李车, van 货车

What's the trade-in value of this car?这辆车以旧换新价多少?

Car salesmen are all fast talkers.汽车销售员个个都巧舌如簧。

Is rust-proofing a standard feature?抗锈是标准特征吗?

How many cylinders does this engine have?这个发动机有多少个汽缸?

What standard features are included in this model?


Is the transmission manual or automatic?这辆车是手动挡还是自动挡的?

How many miles per gallon can this car go?这辆车一加仑汽油能跑多远?

情境2 租车


I would like to rent a car.我想租辆车。

Where is the office of the rent-a-car company?


Which car would you like?你想要哪辆车?

I want to rent a large sedan.我要租一辆大点的轿车。

I want to rent it for a week.我想租一个礼拜。

How much is the rate per day?租金一天多少钱?

Does the rent include the cost of gasoline?租金包含汽油费用吗?


Please tell me where I can rent a car.请问哪里可以租到车?

Do you know how much it costs to rent a car?你知道租辆车要多少钱吗?

Show me a list of your rates.给我看看你们的租金报价单。

I want to rent a car with an air conditioner.我想租一辆带空调的车。

I want to rent a small compact car.我想租一辆小型汽车。

Please recommend a car which is cheap and easy to drive.


I prefer the sedan over there.我想要那边的那辆轿车。

情境3 驾车


Wanna go for a drive in the countryside?要去乡下兜兜风吗?

The brakes are very important.刹车系统非常重要。

Turn on the headlights. It's getting dark.打开前灯。天都黑了。

Are your seatbelts fastened?系好安全带了吗?

Do you drive on the left here?你们这里靠左驾驶吗?

What is the speed limit?限速多少?

Is it all right to park here?在这儿停车没问题吧?

Where is the parking area?停车场在哪儿?