
第9章 动物小知识(3)

A cow swallows its food twice!when a cow takes a bite of grass,she does not stop to chew it,but swallows it right away.The quickly swallowed food collects in a special part of the cow’s stomach,where the food forms into a ball called a cud.Later,when the cow is resting,she brings the wad of grass back up to the mouth for chewing.when the food is swallowed the second time,it is digested by the stomach.



How Does a Fly Walk on the Ceiling

Each of the fly’s six feet are equipped with two tiny claws and sticky pads of hair.These enable it to cling upside down to the ceiling and stick to the smooth surface of a windowpane with equal ease.When walking upside down,the fly picks up three of its feet at a time.The other feet hold the fly firmly to the ceiling until it is their turn to step forward.



Why Do Earthworms Come Out After a Rain

It isn’t fully understood why earthworms sometime crawl about on the surface of the ground after a rain.But scientists think that it is probably because the rain water floods their burrows,and they must come to the surface to avoid being drowned.Earthworms cannot live long in sunlight,and once in the open they become weak and usually die.



How Do Flying Squirrels Fly

When the flying squirrel leaps from a high limb,it seems to fly through the air,but it is really gliding from branch to branch.The flying squirrel has loose folds of skin running from wrist to ankle along the sides of its body.It launches itself into the air,spreads its legs to stretch the folds of skin,and glide downward to another tree.Its long,swooping glide can cover 100or more feet.



Do Fish Ever Sleep

Yes,fish sleep.Because fish have no eyelids,they cannot close their eyes-and it may look as though they never do sleep.Most fish sleep by simply remaining motionless in the water in a sort of trance,in this manner,fish rest their bodies as we do when we sleep.When you see a fish lying very still in the water,it is very likely that it is “sleeping”.



How Does a Snail Move

The broad,fleshy part of a snail’s body that rests on the ground is really its foot.Strong muscles in the foot move in a wavelike motion that slowly moves the snail forward.As the snail moves,its foot gives off slimy liquid called mucus.The mucus makes it easier for the foot to slide forward.It also enables the snail to stick to surfaces,even while hanging upside down.



Do Snakes Sting with Their Tongue

No.That forked red tongue is to smell you,not sting you.A snake’s tongue is a kind of special feeler.It gives the snake an extra keen sense of smell by picking up odors from the air or ground.The flickering tongue helps the snake track down its prey and recognize other snakes of its own kind.



Are Elephants Afraid of Mice

It isn’t true that elephants are afraid of mice.The reason usually given for this belief is that a mouse will run up an elephant’s trunk.If it should try to crawl into an elephant’s trunk,the elephant would simply blow it out with a mighty sneeze.Mice are often found in the stalls of captive elephants,but the elephants pay no attention to them at all!



Why Does the Opossum Hang by Its Tail

When the opossum wraps its tail around a branch and hangs,its feet are free to gather food.The opossum spends much of its time in tree,hunting and eating.It has a special foundness for fruit.While climbing,an opossum also uses its skillful tail as an extra hand for support.



Why Does a Gorilla Beat Its Chest

When a gorilla beats its chest,it is usually a warning to keep away.When the male gorilla feels threatened,he stands erect and drums his chest.Then he explodes into a charge that almost always stops short of the target.The fierce display usually drives away unwelcome visitors.One thing a gorilla does not do is beat his chest as a sign of victory after a battle.



Can Fish Drown

Yes,fish can drown.It isn’t the water that keeps fish alive,but the oxygen in the water.Fish breathe through their gills,which draw oxygen from the water.When too many fish crowd together in a small pond or tonk,the oxygen in the water may soon be used up.When this happens,the fish suffocate,which is what happens when any animal drowns.



Do Bulls Attack When They See Red

Bulls don’t attack the bullfighter’s red cape because of its colour.The bull is colour blind.He cannot see the colour red.It is the taunting of the man that angers the bull.The bull would charge the waving cape regardless of its colour.

