Honeybees build their honeycombs out of the wax that comes from special wax pockets in their bodies.To make its wax,the bee first eats lots of honey.The wax oozes from the wax pockets and dries into tiny flakes.The bee picks the wax off and chews it until the wax is soft and pliable.The bee then shapes and moulds the wax into many sixsided wax cell in which the honey is stored.
Why Do Zebras Have Stripes
The zebra’s stripes are a form of camouflage that help hide it from enemies.The stripe pattern breaks up the outline of the zebra’s body into deceptive shapes.When seen from a distance on the African plains,the zebra is difficult to recognize as an animal,making it more easily overlooked by lions and other enemies.
Why Do a Cat’s Eyes Shine at Night
The cat’s eyes shine because they reflect light.A cat has a special mirrorlike lining inside its eyes that helps it to see in the dark.This shiny material reflects the light of your flashlight or the headlights of a car,and makes the cat’s eyes shine brightly.
Does a Robin Cock Its Head to Listen
When searching for worms,the robin doesn’t cock its head to listen.It does so in order to see better.Like most birds,the robin’s eyes are on the sides of its head.It cannot look straight ahead as people do.It must cock its head in the direction it wants to see in order to focus one eye on the worm.
What Does the Walrus Use Its Tusks For
A walrus can easily be recognized by its ivory tusks,which may grow 3feet long.The tusks are really two overgrown teeth.The walrus uses its long tusks to dig out its meal of clam sand other food from the sea bottom.The tusks are also used as grappling hooks when the big animal pulls itself upon the ice,and as weapons against enemies.
Do Hyenas Really Laugh
No.Hyenas don’t really laugh.It is laughter like bark they make,usually when they are frightened or excited.Hyenas also make other sounds resembling whoops,cackles,grunts,and squeals.All these sounds have meanings to hyenas.Laughing,for example,is usually heard when hyenas fight over food.When a hyena laughs,it may be telling a bigger hyena“I give up!Don’t hurt me!”
Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet
Cats do fall to land on all four feet.This is because a cat manages to twist and land safely on its feet if it falls.The cat is actually a talented acrobat.Its body is long and flexible,with powerful muscles.Its perfect body control and keen balancing sense enable the cat to make high leaps and land safely.
How Do Butterflies Get Their Colour
With the help of a magnifying glass,you can see that the wings of a butterfly are covered with fine dustlike scales which overlap each other like shingles on a roof.These tiny scales give the insect its colour and form the beautiful pattenson the wings.The soft scales easily rub off as a powdery “butterfly,dust”when something touches the wings.
How Does a Fly Eat
An adult housefly cannot eat solid food.Its mouth parts are not made for chewing.Extending down in front of a fly’s head is a tube called a proboscis.A fly uses its proboscis as a straw to sip liquids.A fly feeding on a lump of sugar spreads saliva on the sugar,which dissolves some of the sugar.The sugary liquid is then sucked up and swallowed.
Why Don’t Kangaroo Rats Need toDrink Water
The little kangaroo rat of the American desert can go longer without water than the legendary camel.It seldom,if ever,drinks water.Most of the moisture it needs is produced within its own body from the food it eats.
Why Do Birds Have Gizzards
Birds must swallow their food whole because they have no teeth to shew with.The work of “chewing”is done by the gizzard,a special part of a bird’s stomach.After the bird swallows its food,the food is crushed and ground up by the grinding movements of the gizzard’s muscular walls.Birds that eat seeds and other hard food swallow grit and gravel along with the food to aid the grinding process.
Why Does a Cow Chew Its Cud