
第55章 附录 译作赏析(7)

Similar restructuring has been also proceeding in the radio and television sector.In December 2000,Hunan Radio,Film and Television Group,China’s first provincial level radio and television heavy weight.was founded.The group consists of seven TV channels including Hunan Satellite Television and Hunan Economic News Channel,four radio channels including Hunan Radio Station’s News Channel and transport channel,and a number of studios.Assets of the group have exceeded 3 billion yuan.

The Chinese media industry has caught up with such international trends.Hunan TV & Broadcast International CO.Ltd.,a subsidiary of Hunan Radio,Film and Television Group,is an amalgamation of the video,audio,print and network media.Borui Media has begun expanding from print media into the network media and production of IT television programs.CCID,an IT newspaper group comprising China Computer News and another 15 IT newspapers,is penetrating into the network media and television media.

Industry insiders predict that trans-media mergers will reduce operational costs,increase the viability of media entities and create diversified profit-generating channels.

On April 19 this year,Shanghai Culture,Radio,Film and Television Group was founded.Local radio and television groups have also emerged in Guangdong,Zhejiang,Shandong and other provinces.

Local media groups have become viable rivals of China Central Television (CCTV)in the competition for viewers and advertising.During this year’s auction of ad time,the Evening News time slot on Hunan Satellite TV was sold for 40.88 million yuan,the highest price ever paid China for a news program slot .CCTV is also expected to soon merge with China Central Radio and China Radio International,to form a national media conglomerate.

“So will all these mergers produce greater returns as expected? Wang Ran,CEO of China E-Capital,said,“There is nothing wrong with restructuring media resources .But whether it can be successful depends on the system,If it is merely a simple binding-up under the old system as a result of administrative orders,it is nothing more than an attempt to combine 1000 sampans to make a cruiser.”

Passage 9

131 人才工程




Project Talent 131

In light of challenges arising from the rapid progress of science and technology and the development of the knowledge economy,technology innovation has become the most important and talent is essential for innovation,said Li Shenglin,mayor of Tianjin.To promote the development of human resources and the building of human capacity,Tianjin will launch Project Talent 131 in the entire municipality,including its various economic development areas.

The project will involve the selection of 100 top professionals around 40 years of age who will be trained as national academic and technological authorities in their respective fields;select 300 core technological personnel around 35 years of age and train them as Tianjin’s academic and technological leaders in their respective fields;select 1000 technological personnel under 35 and train them as core technological personnel and as reserve forces for academic and technological leaders-hence the name Project Talent 131.

Tianjin will also strengthen its talent base by inviting outstanding scientists and leading scholars in key technological fields and disciplines,developers of new and high-tech products,and senior entrepreneurs and management talents in key industries,Li added.He extended a warm welcome to senior professionals among overseas Chinese students and employees,hoping that they could come to Tianjin as well as TEDA to start businesses.


Passage 10



驰耐普汽车美容养护连锁店代理的养护、美容产品SNAP系列来自世界500强企业的美国最大汽车用品公司美国壳牌旗下的彭泽尔·奎克·斯达特公司。美国彭泽尔公司拥有全美汽车养护服务第一品牌“Jiffy Lube”,其产品达1300多种,年销售额近百亿美元,其中SNAP品牌占10%份额。该系列产品已通过ISO9000国际质量认证,并由美国太平洋保险公司承担质量保险。





Beijing Cinep Auto Franchise

Founded in 1997,Beijing Cinep Auto Franchise headquarters develops auto beauty and maintenance service franchise system throughout the whole country with an idea of“maintaining 70% whereas repairing only 30%.”