



1.Among the many stories which have been told of travelers saved from death by the faithfulness of the noble dogs of Saint Bernard is the following:

2.An English nobleman,with his family,was once passing over the Alps when a violent snow-storm came on.In the midst of it one of the horses,upon which rode a little son of the nobleman,with a servant to take care of him,made a misstep,and was hurled down the steep side of the mountain to the gulf beneath.

3.The poor father,distracted with grief,gave them up for lost,and with the rest of his family,hastened to the convent to tell his sorrowful story.

4.The kind monks told him to be of good courage,for they would go in search of the missing ones.So they took one of their dogs,and tied to him some food,a flask of brandy,and a roll of strong cord,and went towards the spot where the poor travelers had fallen.

5.The snow was blowing so furiously that they could see nothing,and the sides of the mountains were so steep and slippery that no one could go down.

6.At length they thought they heard faint cries;immediately the dog ran down to the spot whence the sound proceeded,and they lost sight of him.

7.After waiting in vain a long time for the dog to appear,they feared that he too might be lost,and one of them returned home to get more help.

8.When he came in sight of the convent he saw the noble dog standing at the door,with the little child,safe and sound,clinging to his shaggy neck.

9.Perhaps some of you have seen the picture of it.I have,and it is very touching and beautiful.The dog looks up with such a satisfied look in his great dark eyes,and the child clings to him with so much love and gratitude upon his little pale face!

10.The good monks immediately returned with other dogs and strong cords,which they managed to let down to the servant,and soon they drew him up half dead with cold and fatigue.

11.He afterwards told how,when the dog found them,he first poured some brandy down the poor child‘s throat to revive him,for he seemed almost ready to perish,and then,after they both had taken some food,he tied the little boy to the dog’s back with a strong cord,feeling quite happy to think that,even if he should die there,his little master would in all probability be saved.

12.Happy hearts must have been in the old gray convent that night,and I doubt not.that fervent prayers of thanksgiving ascended to the good Father who had thus watched overthem in the hour of peril,and had changed their mourning to rejoicing.


1.圣o 伯纳德修道院中那些忠心耿耿的狗救人的故事很多,其中有这样一个真实的故事:










