



1.Near the top of one of the highest points of the Alps,which,as many of our readers know,are very lofty mountains which separate France and Switzerland from Italy,stands the famous convent of St.Bernard.

2.It is a large house,of dull gray stone,built in the strongest possible manner,so that it may not be injured by the terrible storms which are so frequent among the mountains.

3.It is so large that it will give shelter to three hundred persons at once.The people who live in this convent are called monks;they all dress alike,in long,close robes,buttoned from the top to the bottom,with white belts which pass over the shoulder;and upon their heads they wear round black caps,which run up to a point,and end with a tuft or tassel.

4.Why do you suppose these men live so far up among the mountains,which are covered with snow throughout the whole year,exposed to such severe cold,and to so many hardships of different kinds?I will tell you.

5.High as these mountains are,and dangerous as it is to pass over them,in order to reach the country beyond,many persons every year make the fearful journey,or perish in theundertaking.

6.Many dangers beset the poor traveler on his way over these mountains.If he steps out of his path,he is liable to become so much bewildered that he never finds it again.Suddenly,and when he least thinks of it,a great avalanche,or snow-slide,may come furiously down the sides of the mountain,and overwhelm him.

7.One misstep may cause him to plunge down a frightful precipice,or a terrible snowstorm may come,drifting and sweeping around him,until,overcome with cold,blinded with the snow,and completely bewildered,he sinks down to die.

8.For many years monks have lived in the convent of Saint Bernard,for the purpose of rescuing from danger travelers who may be passing over the mountains,and to give rest and refreshment to any who may be able to reach their door.

9.The monks of Saint Bernard have trained large and strong dogs to go out in storms in search of travelers who may need help.

10.Each dog has,when he goes out for this purpose,a warm cloak strapped around his body,and a flask of brandy under his throat.

11.These dogs show a wonderful faculty of tracing out the path in the severest storm,and of finding travelers,even when buried under snow,or at the bottom of the steepest precipices.

12.If they find any one they will carry him upon their backs to the convent,or if the poor man is unable to do anything for himself they will hasten to the monks,and by signs which these good people well understand,they will let them know thattheir help is needed,and guide them to the spot where the poortraveler lies.

13.One of the dogs of St.Bernard was the means of saving so many lives that,when at last he died,his skin was stuffed,and sent to the Royal Museum in England,where he may now be seen,looking so much like life that one would hardly be surprised to see him leap from his place with the loud,deep bark for which these dogs are famous.


1.正如我们许多读者所知,阿尔卑斯山脉是法国、瑞士和意大利的分界线,阿尔卑斯山脉中最高的一座山峰附近矗立着著名的圣o 伯纳德修道院。












13.圣o 伯纳德修道院中的众多狗之中,有一条狗救了无数条人的命,因此它死后,人们用它的皮做成仿真狗,然后送到英格兰皇家博物馆进行展览,它活生生地站在那里,仿佛不知道在什么时候就会突然跃起,为这些搜救犬大声深长地鸣叫。