
第49章 关于狗的其他事情

1.The different kinds of dogs are so unlike each other,that it is hard to believe that they all belong to the same family.What a difference there is in their coats!Dogs like the greyhound,which have been brought to Britain from warm countries,have thin skins covered with short,fine hair.Inwinter,the masters of these dogs often make a kind of greatcoat of cloth for them to wear,to protect them from the cold.

2.Most dogs,however,have a thick enough coat of hair to keep them quite warm.Some of these long-haired dogs,like the Newfoundland①,have rough,shaggy coats;others have hairalmost as fine as silk.

3.How many different kinds or breeds of dogs have you seen?Do you know the dogs which are called hounds?They can run very fast.Perhaps you have seen the greyhound,which runs so fast that it can easily catch hares and rabbits.

①Newfoundland,a large island of North America.

4.The fox-hound,which is used to chase foxes,is a smaller dog,with a smooth coat.The deer-hound is a very big dog,with shaggy hair.Big dogs called blood-hounds are sometimes usedto track robbers.Many dogs can follow people by scent①,but thescent of the blood-hound is specially keen.

5.The biggest of all our dogs is the St.Bernard.It has a curly coat of a yellow and white colour.Among the high mountains called the Alps②,St.Bernard dogs are kept to find people who have been lost in the snow.

6.The Newfoundland dog is a big dog,generally black and white incolour,with a curlyST.BERNARD(圣伯纳犬)coat.These dogs swim very well,and have often saved the lives of children who have fallen into the water.

7.Spaniels are rather small dogs,with curly hair and long ears.The mastiff is a big dog with a smooth coat.He is the best kind of dog for watching the house and frightening away robbers.

①Scent,sense of smell.

②Alps,the highest mountains of Europe.

8.Collie dogs are a great help to shepherds in looking after their flocks of sheep.These sheep-dogs,as they are often called,seem to understand every word their masters say to them.

9.The dog is the most knowing and clever of all four-footed animals.When he is pleased and happy,COLLIE(柯利犬)his eyes are bright,and look straight up at yours,and his tail is lifted high in the air.

10.But when you scold the dog,or when he knows that he has done wrong,his tail drops between his legs,and he hardly dares to look at you.A dog loves kind words and smiles just as you do,and he feels shame when he has done wrong.He feels pain very keenly,too,and a kick or a blow hurts him as much as it would hurt you.

11.If we do not take care of our dogs by giving them proper food and drink,and a clean,warm kennel or house to live in,they will soon begin to look ill.Dogs which are starved and badly treated often go mad,and bite people;and the people who are bitten by a mad dog soon become mad,and die.

12.Boys and girls who are cruel to dogs are almost certain to grow up to be bad men and women.We should be kind,not only to our own pets,but to any stray①dogs that we may find.In eachlarge town there ought to be a “dogs’home “--a place to which stray dogs can be sent to be taken care of.



There are many kinds or breeds of dogs.The greyhound,the fox-hound,the deer-hound,and the blood-hound run very fast,and are used for hunting.The biggest of our dogs is the St.Bernard.It is kept to find people who have been lost in the snow on the high mountains called the Alps.The Newfoundland dog swims very well.Spaniels are small dogs.The mastiff,a big dog,is a good watch-dog.Collie dogs are a great help to shepherds.The dog is very clever and knowing.It should be treated kindly.












