
第48章 狗--人类的朋友

1.Cats usually like the house in which they live better than they like the people who live in it.They will leave a kind mistress and go back to their old homes.But if we are kind to our dogs,they will love us,and will follow us all over the world.

2.Dogs were once wild animals.Wild dogs are still found in some countries.

They hunt in packs①,and

feed on the flesh of the animals which they kill.

3.The dog has a long pointed nose or muzzle.Ifa dog’s nose feels cold andWILD DOGS(野狗)wet,this shows that he is quite well;when he is ill,his nose feels hot and dry.

4.Under the loose skin of the dog we can feel his strong backbone,and also the muscles or lumps of flesh by which he moves his legs and all the other parts of his body.

5.The dog has five toes on each of his fore-feet,but only four①Packs,numbers together.

toes on each hind-foot.Each toe has a strong nail or claw,with which the dog can scratch and dig in the ground.Perhaps you have seen him digging a hole,and burying in it the bones which he has not finished eating.

6.The cat has sheaths or cases into which it draws back its claws when they are not wanted.The dog has not.For this reason,a dog‘s claws are never sharp like those of thecat.

7.The dog cannot walk so quietly as the cat;for although his feet have soft pads under the toes,the points of thehard claws strike against the ground,and make a noise when he walks or runs.

8.The dog has bright and knowing①eyes,but hecannot see at night so well as the cat can.The pupil,or little black space in the middle of each eye,is never so large as that of the①Knowing,wise-looking.

cat.Pussy chases the mice by night,but the dog hunts only in the day-time.

9.There is another difference between the dog’s eye and the cat‘s.Do you remember reading in the previous lesson that in a bright light the pupil of the cat’s eye closes until it is only anarrow slit①?The pupil of the dog‘s eye is not like this.It isalways round,however bright the light may be.

10.Notice the dog’s teeth.How white and strong they are!All his teeth are sharp and pointed.He has seventeen teeth in the upper jaw,and nineteen in the lower jaw.

11.The dog has two long teeth in each jaw for seizing his prey.

The other teeth are for tearing the flesh and crushing the bones on which he feeds.The dog lives chiefly on flesh,and he has no flat teeth for grinding his food,like those of grass-eating animals.

12.Grass-eating animals like the cow can move their jaws sideways as well as up and down,in order to grind their food well;but flesh-eating animals like the dog can only move their jaws up and down.

13.The tongue of the dog is long and smooth.It is very different from the rough tongue of the cat.When a dog is very hot,he always lets his tongue hang out of his mouth,for it is by his tongue that he sweats or perspires.

①Slit,a long,narrow opening or cut.


The dog,when kindly treated,is a very loving animal.He has a long,pointed nose or muzzle.He has bright and knowing eyes;but he cannot see so well at night as the cat.He has five toes on each fore-foot,but only four on each hind-foot.The dog has strong but blunt claws for digging in the ground.His teeth are very strong.He has four long teeth for seizing his prey.The dog‘s tongue is long and smooth,and he perspires by means of it.He lives on flesh.All dogs were once wild animals.Wild dogs are still found in some countries.













