
第33章 长颈鹿家族

Giraffes live together in groups called herds.There are usually about ten giraffes in a herd.Herds do not have leaders.A giraffe can leave one herd and join another.

Sometimes young males get together to make a herd.Sometimes females with calves (babies)get together to look for food.

Giraffes live peacefully until it is time to mate.Males fight each other for mates.They first wrap their necks around each other.Then they bang their horns together.They do not usually hurt each other.The loser just walks away.

A male mates with many females.The females are pregnant for about 15months.A mother giraffe does not lie down to give birth.She stands on all four legs.The newborn calf just drops to the ground.It can stand up after only about 20minutes!

Calves have more enemies than adult giraffes do.Lions,leopards,and hyenas kill many calves.Giraffes that reach adulthood live for about 25years.

Are Giraffes Endangered?