
第32章 长颈鹿怎样进食?

Giraffes stick their necks up and nibble the leaves off trees.Their long necks and great height help them eat leaves that are too high for other animals to reach.A giraffe wraps its long tongue around twigs with leaves the way you would grab leaves with your hand!The giraffe pulls the twigs into its mouth.

Giraffes can even eat leaves from trees that have thorns.Their tongues and lips have a hard covering.The covering lets the giraffe bite off sharp thorns that grow on some trees.

Giraffes have special teeth with deep grooves.They use their teeth to strip the leaves off twigs.

Male and female giraffes eat leaves from different parts of the tree.Males reach their long necks up to the highest branches.Females eat leaves closer to the ground.

Giraffe Families