
第9章 The Anecdote of the Apple


The anecdote of the apple we learn from Voltaire, who had it from Newton’s favourite niece, who with her husband lived and kept house for him all his later life. It is very like one of those anecdotes which are easily invented and believed in,1 and very often turn out2 on scrutiny to have no foundation.3 Fortunately this anecdote is well authenticated, and moreover is intrinsically probable; I say fortunately, because it is always painful to have to give up4 these child-learnt anecdotes,....This anecdote of the apple we need not resign. The tree was blown down in 1820 and part of its wood is preserved.

— O. J. Lodge

scrutiny n. 细察

foundation n. 根据

authenticate v. 证明……是真的

intrinsically adv. 本质上

probable adj. 很可能发生的

preserve v. 保存,保留

中译 苹果趣事(牛顿)

这件有关苹果的轶事,我们是从伏尔泰那儿听来的,他又是从牛顿钟爱的侄女那儿听来的。这位侄女和她的丈夫陪伴牛顿度过晚年,并且替他料理家务。这件趣事极似那些随意编造而且人们信以为真、可是一旦追根问底却是毫无根据的轶闻故事。幸而这则趣事的可靠性是经过证实的,而且就其本身而言也是可能发生的。我之所以用“幸而”这个词,是因为这些孩提时期就听到的轶闻趣事,最后不得不割爱,总是令人心痛……这则苹果的趣闻,我们不必抛弃。那株苹果树在1820 年被风刮倒,而一部分树干还保留至今。





1 anecdotes which are...believed in

句式 believe in sth 相信某事的真实性、效用等:

Do you believe in everything he said? 你相信他说的每句话吗?


I firmly believe in doing morning exercises. 我坚信做早操有益处。

believe in 也有“信仰”的意思:

to believe in a religion 信仰一种宗教 / to believe in freedom and equality 笃信自由和平等

believe in 还有“信任”的意思。注意以下句子不同:

I believe in him. 我信任他。

I believe him. 我相信他的话。

2 turn out...to have no foundation

句式 turn out + to-v. 意为“原来是”:

She turned out to be the daughter of an old friend. 她原来是一位老朋友的女儿。

The meeting turned out to be interesting. 结果会开得很有意思。

3 to have no foundation

句式 to have no foundation 指“无基础,无根据”(= to be unfounded / to be groundless)。foundation 的同义词包括basis、ground、justification 等。

Their argument has no foundation / justification. 他们的论点没有根据。

Their claims are unfounded / groundless. 他们所声称的都没有根据。

On what basis / ground did you suggest that idea? 你提出那个想法有什么根据吗?

4 have to give up these child-learnt anecdotes

句式 give up sth / give sth up / give up v-ing 意为“放弃,抛弃”:

I am trying to give up smoking. 我正在试图戒烟。

It’s too difficult for me. I have to give it up. 这对我来说是太难了。我只好放弃。


True science teaches, above all, to doubt and be ignorant. — M. de Unamuno
