
第16章 Books for Signature

Thomas Hardy

He (W. B. Yeats) was dining once with Thomas Hardy, and as they were finishing their coffee he asked Hardy the very same question. “What do you do, Hardy, about1 books that are sent to you for signature?2 ”

“Yeats,” said Hardy, “come with me, there is something upstairs I want to show you.” At the top of the house Hardy opened a door, and the two poets entered a larger room. This room was covered from floor to ceiling with books. Hardy waved his hand at the odd-thousand3volumes that filled the room. — “Yeats,” said he, “these are the books that were sent to me for signature.”

— J. Stephens

ceiling n. 楼顶,天花板

odd-thousand adj……千多

中译 为书签名(哈代)





Thomas Hardy(哈代,1840-1928),英国批判现实主义小说家、诗人。他善于细致入微地刻画人物复杂的内心活动,景物描写优美动人,风格多样,戏剧性强,具有感人的艺术力量。他的作品揭露了资本主义社会的罪恶和资产阶级道德、宗教、观念的伪善本质。不过,作品带有宿命论的悲观色彩。代表作为小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the D’Urbervilles, 1891)、《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure, 1895)、历史诗剧《列王》(Dynasts, 1903-1908)等。

文中提到的William Butler Yeats(叶芝)(1865-1939),是爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,获1923年诺贝尔文学奖,诗作有《钟楼》(The Tower, 1927)、《盘旋的楼梯》(The Winding Stair, 1929)等。

本文作者James Stephens(斯蒂芬斯,1880-1950),是爱尔兰作家、诗人,著有小说《金坛子》(The Crock of Gold, 1912)、《女佣的女儿》(The Charwoman’s Daughter, 1912)、诗集《叛乱》(Insurrections, 1909)等。


1 What do you do...about books...

句式 do something about sth 对……采取某种行动:

You ought to do something about that cough. 你对咳嗽应该想想办法。

What shall we do about lunch: go to a restaurant, or have it at home?我们午饭怎么办?去饭馆吃还是在家吃?

2 signature

一般签名为 signature,但名人给支持者(fans)的签名是autograph:

After filling in the form, be sure to write your signature as well.


The fans are eager to obtain the autograph of their idol. 球迷们迫不及待地想得到他们偶像的亲笔签名。

3 the odd-thousand volumes

-odd 的正确用法是置于数词之后,连成复合形容词,数词与 odd 之间用连字符(hyphen)相连, 表示比该数词所显示的数量“稍多”:

This is a book of 300-odd pages. 这是一本三百多页的书。

She is 40-odd years old. 她年纪四十出头。


A novel is an impression,not an argument. — Thomas Hardy
