你读过那个着名的诗句吗:我的心失落在海德堡的夏日中,知道是谁写的吗? 是德国着名诗人歌德!假如你得以在左图中广场上静静地坐一坐,在下图中的古桥边夕阳中多站一会儿,或者在河对岸山坡上那条当年康德每天下午四点整必然散步的哲学家小道上走一走,遥望山上颓败的古堡,你会会有一种生活在中世纪的感觉,味道浓极了.海德堡的这个城堡虽已大半倾塌,但其恢弘的规模,美丽的结构,似乎由于其倾塌而更具魅力.在城堡中,你可以爬到德国现存最大的古代葡萄酒桶上去,想像一下当年贵族花天酒地的生活.
Heidelberg is a charming city. Steeped in tradition, this town is home to seemingly contrastingcontrasty adj.明暗差别强烈的 worlds. This makes it exciting and keeps it young at heart. Take some time to get to know the city and discover its many facets. You,ll be inspired.
For people all over the world, Heidelberg is the very image of romantic Germany. The River Neckar flows through its deep wooded valley past ancient towers and bridges, the red sandstonesandstone n.[地] 沙岩 castle ruin rises majestically over the roofs of the old town. This, and the sheer exuberance of the life led by the students of Germany,s oldest and most traditionbound university (immortalised in Sigmund Romberg,s operettaoperetta n.小歌剧 “The Student Prince”), all combine to make the place quite irresistable to countless visitors. One big draw are the boisterous student pubs of the old town, former haunts of the exclusive fraternitiesfraternity n.兄弟关系, 友爱, 互助会, 兄弟会 (Verbindungen). Here giant mugs of beer are passed round the tables.
There are nice views of Heidelberg as a whole from the graceful Old Bridge (Alte Brücke). You walk through its gateway with twin towers topped by spiky helmets. If you have enough time, there are breathtaking views from the “philosopher,s path” (Philosophenweg) on the other riverside, trod by many seeking inspiration from the incomparable panoramapanorama n.全景 全景画,全景摄影 of city, river and castle.
The magnificent ruins of the thirteenth century neo - gothic castle above the town add to the fairytale setting that has inspired composers, poets and painters over the centuries. Writers Goethe and Mark Twain, the painter Turner and composers Schumann and Brahms have been captivated by Heidelberg,s matchless landscape and culture.
There are more than a dozen museums, five theatres, a Philharmonic and a Symphony Orchestra. The town has an excellent choice of fascinating shops with browsing made easy on Germany,s longest pedestrianizedpedestrianize vt.使(街道等)无车辆行驶,使成为行人专用区 vi.步行 zone. In recent years Heidelberg has been at the international forefront in the fields of environmental protection, genetic engineering, and information technology. In 1996 the town was awarded Germany,s top prize for nature preservation and environmental protection, and the following year it was presented with the “European Sustainable City Award”.
Heidelberg is one of the few German cities that was not leveled by air raids in World War II, and therefore still has original buildings from the later Middle Ages and early Renaissance. Modern Heidelberg is centered around Bismarckplatz at the foot of the TheodoreHeussBrücke; in this part of the city, you,ll find many of the best hotels and restaurants. The tall buildings and shopping plazasplaza n.广场, 露天汽车停车场, 购物中心 here contrast with the Altstadt nearby. Across the Neckar are sports grounds, a zoo, and a large botanical garden.
Heidelberg is, above all, a university town and has been since 1386. Students make up much of the population. The colorful atmosphereatmosphere n.大气, 空气, 气氛 that university life imparts to the town is felt especially in the old student quarter, with its narrow streets and lively inns. This oldest university in Germany is officially named RuprechtKarlUniversity, honoring both its founder, Elector Ruprecht I of the Palatinate, as well as the man who, in 1803, made it the leading university in the state of Baden, Margrave Karl Friedrich. The school was founded after the Great Schism of 1378, when conflicting claims to the papacypapacy n.罗马教皇职位, 教皇的在位期间 created unrest, and German teachers and students fled the Sorbonne in Paris.
The university grew rapidly. At first monastic in character, it changed in the 16th century with the appointment of a married rector. The socalled Old University was built in the early 18th century; the New University was constructed nearby from 1930 to 1932. Funds for this structure came from American sources, including Henry Ford. Today, lecture halls, institutes, seminar buildings, and clinics are scattered all over town, but a new university quarter has been developed on the plain in the Neuenheim district, with multistory buildings and a modern cancerresearch center.