
第9章 The Six Servants(4)

As no other pretextpretext n.借口, 托辞 was to be found, the beautiful maiden was now forced to take the unknown youth as a husband. But when they drove away to church, the old woman said, “I cannot endure the disgrace.” and sent her warriorswarrior n.战士, 勇士, 武士, 战斗, 尚武, 鼓吹战争的人 after them with orders to cut down all who opposed them, and bring back her daughter. But the listener had sharpened his ears, and heard the secret discoursediscourse n.演讲, 论述, 论文, 讲道, 谈话, 谈论 of the old woman. “What shall we do?” said he to the stout one. But he knew what to do, and spat out once or twice behind the carriage some of the seawater which he had drunk, and a great lake arose in which the warriors were caught and drowned. When the sorceress perceived that, she sent her mailed knights, but the listener heard the rattling of their armor, and undid the bandage from one eye of sharpeyes, who looked for a while rather fixedlyfixedly adv.固定, 不动, 不变 at the enemys troops, on which they all sprang to pieces like glass. Then the youth and the maiden went on their way undisturbedundisturbed adj.没受到干扰的, 安静的, 镇定的, and when the two had been blessed in church, the six servants took leave, and said to their master, “Your wishes are now satisfied, you need us no longer, we will go our way and seek our fortunes.” 姑娘再也没有什么办法了,只好接受陌生青年做丈夫。在他们乘车去教堂时,老婆子说:“我受不了这样的羞辱!”于是派她的军队去追赶,下令格杀勿论,一定要抢回她的女儿来。谁料听觉灵敏的仆人竖起耳朵,听见了她在背后说的话。“我们怎么办?”他问大胖子。大胖子自有办法,他往车后吐了一两口大海中喝的水,于是便变成了一片大湖,老巫婆的军队全部困在湖中,做了淹死鬼。巫婆听见报告,又派来铁甲骑兵,然而耳朵灵敏的仆人听见他们盔甲的撞击声,立刻解下伙计的遮眼布。他只是狠狠瞪了敌人两眼,他们的铁盔铁甲都像玻璃一般粉碎了。这下王子一行才不受干扰地往前走。等两位新人在教堂里举行了结婚仪式,六个仆人便向他告别说:“您已实现自己的愿望了,我们也该走了。我们打算继续漫游,碰一碰自己的运气。”

Half a league from the palace of the princes father was a village near which a swineherdswineherd n.养猪的人 tended his herd, and when they came thither the prince said to his wife, “Do you know who I really am? I am no prince, but a herder of swine, and the man who is there with that herd, is my father. We two shall have to set to work also, and help him.” Then he alightedalight vi.落下 with her at the inn, and secretlysecretly adv.秘密地, 背地里 told the innkeepersinnkeeper n.旅馆主人 to take away her royal apparelapparel n.衣服, 装饰 during the night. So when she awoke in the morning, she had nothing to put on, and the innkeepers wife gave her an old gown and a pair of worsted stockings, and at the same time seemed to consider it a great present, and said, “If it were not for the sake of your husband I should have given you nothing at all.” Then the princess believed that he really was a swineherd, and tended the herd with him, and thought to herself, “I have deserved this for my haughtinesshaughtiness n.傲慢, 不逊 and pride.” This lasted for a week, and then she could endure it no longer, for she had soressore n.痛的地方, 痛处 on her feet. And now came a couple of people who asked if she knew who her husband was. “Yes,” she answered, “he is a swineherd, and has just gone out with cords and ropes to try to drive a little bargain.” But they said, “Just come with us, and we will take you to him.” And they took her up to the palace, and when she entered the hall, there stood her husband in kingly raiment. But she did not recognize him until he took her in his arms, kissed her, and said, “I suffered so much for you that you, too, had to suffer for me.” And then the wedding was celebrated, and he who has related this, wishes that he, too, had been present at it.
