
第13章 The Wolf and the Man


Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf of the strength of man. How no animal could withstandwithstand vt.抵挡, 经受住 him, and how all were obliged to employ cunningcunning n.狡猾, 诡诈 in order to protect themselves from him. Then the wolf answered, “If I had but the chance of seeing a man for once, I would set on him notwithstandingnotwithstanding adv.尽管, 还是。” “I can help you to do that, ”said the fox. “come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one.” The wolf presented himself betimesbetimes adv.及早, 及时, and the fox took him out on the road by which the huntsmen went daily. First came an old discharged soldier. “Is that a man, inquired the wolf.” “No,” answered the fox, “that was one.” Afterwards came a little boy who was going to school. “Is that a man.” “No, that will be one.” At length came a hunter with his doublebarelled gun at his back, and hanger by his side. Said the fox to the wolf, “Look, there comes a man, you must attack him, but I will take myself off to my hole.” The wolf then rushed on the man. When the huntsman saw him he said, “It is a pity that I have not loaded with a bulletbullet n.子弹, aimed, and fired his small shot in his face.” 一次,狐狸对狼讲人有多厉害,说没什么动物能抵抗他,要想保住自己,只有对人使用计策。狼回答:“什么时候看见人,我偏要和他斗一斗!”“想见人我可以帮助你,”狐狸说,“明天早上到我家来吧,我指一个给你看。”第二天狼早早地到了狐狸家,狐狸便领它去猎人每天都走的那条路。路上先走来一个退伍老兵。狼问:“这是个人吗?”“不,”狐狸回答,“只不过曾经是。”随后走来一个上学去的小男孩。“这是个人吗?”“不,只是将来会成为人的。”终于来了一位猎手,背着双筒猎枪,腰挂长猎刀。狐狸对狼说:“快瞧,那边来了一个人!你就冲上去吧,我可要回洞里去啦。”狼果真冲向猎人,猎人看见狼说:“可惜我只装了铁砂弹!”说着举起枪来,把原本准备打鸟的铁砂子儿射了狼一脸。

The wolf pulled a very wrywry adj.扭歪的, 歪曲的, 歪斜的 grimacegrimace n.面部的歪扭, 痛苦的表情, 鬼脸, but did not let himself be frightened, and attacked him again, on which the huntsman gave him the second barrel. The wolf swallowedswallow vt.咽, 淹没, 吞没, 取消, 忍受, 轻信, 压制, 耗尽 his pain, and rushed on the huntsman, but he drew out his bright hanger, and gave him a few cuts with it right and left, so that, bleeding everywhere, he ran howlinghowling adj.嚎叫 back to the fox. “Well, brother wolf, ”said the fox, “how have you got on with man.” “Ah, ”replied the wolf, “I never imagined the strength of man to be what it is. First, he took a stick from his shoulder, and blew into it, and then something flew into my face which tickledtickle vt.胳肢, 逗笑, 使高兴, 使发痒 me terribly. Then he breathed once more into the stick, and it flew into my nose like lightninglightning n.闪电 and hailhail n.冰雹, 致敬, 招呼, 一阵。 When I was quite close, he drew a white rib out of his body, and he beat me so with it that I was all but left lying dead.” “See what a braggartbraggart n.吹嘘 you are, ”said the fox. “You throw your hatchethatchet n.短柄斧 so far that you cannot fetch it back again.”
