
第2章 The Importance of Accessories小饰物,大作用

Whatever style you choose to follow, remember that fashion should be fun and most importantly it should be about you!

Do you ever feel unfashionableunfashionable adj.不流行的 ? Have you ever wondered how to keep up withkeep up with v.跟上 new trendstrend n.倾向, 趋势 ?

If you answered yes, then dont worry! Many people feel they have to dress a certain way.





Fashion is a reflectionreflection n.反射, 反映 of your character. Dont let other peoples opinions influenceinfluence vt.影响, 改变 how you dress! Its important not to feel forced into the fashion choices you make. You may not be able to carry off a new look if it doesnt suit your character.

Fashion should be fun so dont be afraid to try out new styles. If you dont feel brave enough to try a whole new wardrobewardrobe n.衣柜, 衣橱 , accessories are the answer! By changing only your accessories, youll be saving money and then youll be able to keep up with the newest trends.

Adding accessories such as a bag, a beltbelt n.带子, 地带 , a hat, a scarfscarf n.围巾, 头巾领巾 or jewellery can really change your look. For example, a pair of jeansjeans n.斜纹布裤, 牛仔裤 and a Tshirt can be made into several different outfits for different events.




Currently, the sporty look is very popular. You may want to accessorize with a baseball cap and sweatband or by carrying a sports bag.

To add some glamourglamour n.魔力, 魅力 , you could wear a silkscarf as a belt. You could also wear jewelleryjewellery n.珠宝, 镶嵌有宝石之饰物 such as wire braceletsbracelet n.手镯 and some dangling earrings. These will transform your look into a glamorous gypsy style.

Whatever style you choose to follow, remember that fashion should be fun and most importantly it should be about you!



