

You know, we French stormed Ratisbon: A mile or so away,On a little mound, Napoleon Stood on our storming-day;With neck out-thrust, you fancy how, Legs wide, arms locked behind,As if to balance the prone brow Oppressive with its mind.

Just as perhaps he mused, "My plans That soar, to earth may fall,Let once my army-leader Lannes Waver at yonder wall," -Out "twixt the battery-smokes there flew A rider, bound on boundFull-galloping; nor bridle drew Until he reached the mound.

Then off there flung in smiling joy,

And held himself erect

By just his horse"s mane, a boy: You hardly could suspect-(So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came through) -You looked twice ere you saw his breast Was all but shot in two.

"Well," cried he, "Emperor, by God"s grace We"ve got you Ratisbon!

The Marshal"s in the market-place, And you"ll be there anonTo see your flag-bird flap his vansWhere I, to heart"s desire,

Perched him ! " The chief"s eye flashed; his plansSoared up again like fire.

The chief "s eye flashed; but presently

Softened itself, as sheathes

A film the mother-eagle"s eye

When her bruised eaglet breathes; "You"re wounded!" "Nay," the soldier"s prideTouched to the quick, he said,"I"m killed, Sire!" And, his chief beside, Smiling the boy fell dead.

-Robert Browning.

Author.-Robert Browning (1812-1889) is considered one of the greatest of modern English poets, Many of his best-known poems describe happenings in the lives of men and women, and often some intensely dramatic dialogue is included in the story. Find in this book other poems by Browning and note the use of dialogue in them also.

General Notes.-This story of a brave young French soldier is true.

Ratisbon is the former name of Regensburg, a town on the Danube in Germany. It was besieged by Napoleon in 1809; one of the French marshals was Jean Lannes. Flag-bird-the French flag in Napoleon"s time bore a representation of an eagle.