
第17章 不要让教训再次重复 (3)




profoundly [pr'fandli] adv. 深深地;深切地;深刻地;极度地

This article analyzed the world situation profoundly.


satisfaction [,s鎡is'f鎘n] n. 满意;欣慰;令人满意的事

She rejects the stereotype that women can only find their true

satisfaction in being mothers.


anguish ['鎤i] n. (尤指心理上的)极度的痛苦;剧痛;苦恼

She cried out for anguish at parting.


crucial ['kru:l] adj. 决定性的;紧要关头的;至关重要的;关键性的

It is crucial to understand each other for friendship.





Looking back over my life, it seems to me that I have learned the most when I felt the greatest pain.

look back over:回顾;回想

It helps them to develop the patience, persistence and ability to cope with what they' ll need...

cope with:对付;应付


Just in Time, Thoroughly, with Reserve

佚名 / Anonymous

This is a wonderful way to live!

Instead of worrying ahead of time or having problems from the past accumulate, try this. Keep what you want to accomplish in the back of your mind, and as you go through life, be ready for opportunities to see to it that these things get done. Do what you do just in time, but not at the last minute, and not worrying ahead of time.

If you do what you do, thoroughly, as you grow, planning to make it last for a very long time—you' ll have more freedom and less problems in the future.

If you do what you do with reserves of everything you need (including time, tools, money, advisors, etc.), you won' t be being irresponsible, or just putting things off until the last minute. (You can plan or take note of your reserves, ahead of time, thinking about it on and off—making it easy on yourself—not having to worry or spend a long time planning.)

For example, recently I had a luncheon meeting, in a nearby city that I' m not familiar with. Formerly, I would have worried in advance, spent lots of time with maps, spending time and energy. Before that I would have gone without directions, possibly coming late, anxious and worried.

Instead, I started a bit early so I had a reserve of time (which it turned out I needed. I got there just on time). I called for directions on the way, using my cellular phone. If I couldn' t reach someone for directions or get good directions, I had in mind two places I could stop at along the way and get directions. I also had in mind a friend who knew the city, who I could call if I had to. I estimated that I had a 50% chance of reaching him if I needed him—less than reserve, more of an emergency option.

I went there and got directions just in time, with reserves of time and ways of getting directions, and my plan was a thorough one.

We had a wonderful meeting, which I was fully focused on, not having to hurry. Best of all, I didn' t worry on the way or spend time being lost. I got directions just in time, thoroughly, with reserve.

Try it, you' ll like it! With this approach you can get lots more done, with far less effort, and with greater safety and more responsibility.










accumulate ['kju:mjuleit] v. 堆积;积累

True poetry accumulate meaning every time it is read.


accomplish ['kmpli] v. 完成;实现;做成功

It has never been the boast of a modest person that he alone could accomplish

such a hard task.


irresponsible [,iri'spnsbl] adj. 不负责任的

So a vehicle in irresponsible hands can be a most lethal weapon.


estimate ['estimeit] v. 估算;估计

Astronomers can estimate the size and brightness of a star by its color.





If you do what you do with reserves of everything you need ,you won' t be being irresponsible.

do with:利用;处理

I would have worried in advance, spent lots of time with maps, spending time and energy.

in advance:预先;提前


The Two Roads

佚名 / Anonymous