
第13章 伊莎贝拉王后的决定(1)

SIsabella don't gomez,it is your conclusion that we ought to dismiss the proposition of this worthy Genoese.

Don Gomez.His scheme,your majesty,seems to me fanciful in the extreme;but I am a plain matter-of-fact man,and do not see visions and dreams,like some.

Isa.And yet Columbus has given us cogent reasons for believing that it is practicable to reach the eastern coast of India by sailing in a westerly direction.

Don't admitting that his theory is correct,namely,that the earth is a sphere,how would it be possible for him to return,if he once descended that sphere in the direction he proposes?Would not the coming back be all up hill?Could a ship accomplish it with even the most favorable wind?

Columbus.Will your majesty allow me to suggest that if the earth is a sphere,the same laws of adhesion and motion must operate at every point on its surface,and the objection of Don Gomez would be quite as valid against our being able to return from crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.

Don this gentleman,then,would have us believe the monstrous absurdity,that there are people on the earth who are our antipodes;who walk with their heads down,like flies on the ceiling.

Your majesty,if there is a law of attraction which makesmatter gravitate to the earth,and prevents its flying off into space,may not this law operate at every point on the round earth‘s surface?

Isa.truly,it so seems to me;and I perceive nothing absurd in thenotion that this earth is a globe floating or revolving in space.

Don't may it please your majesty,the ladies are privileged to give credence to many wild tales which we plain matter-of-fact men can not admit.Every step I take,confutes this visionary idea of the earth’s rotundity.Would not the blood run into my head,if I were standing upside down?Were I not fearful of offending your majesty,I would quote what the great Lactantius says.

Isa.We are not vain of our science,Don Gomez,so let us have the quotation.

Don G.“Is there any one so foolish,”he asks,“as to believe that there are antipodes with their feet opposite to ours;that there is a part of the world in which all things are topsy-turvy,where the trees grow with their branches downward,and where it rains,hails,and snows,upward?”

Col.I have already answered this objection.If there are people on the earth who are our antipodes,it should be remembered that we are theirs also.

Don G.Really,that is the very point wherein we matter of-fact men abide by the assurance of our own senses.We know that we are not walking with our heads down.

Isa.To cut short the discussion,you think that the enterprise which the Genoese proposes is one unworthy of our serious consideration;and that his theory of an unknown shore to the westward of us is a fallacy.

Don G .As a plain matter-of-fact man,I must confess that I so regard it.Has your majesty ever seen an ambassador from this unknown coast?

Isa .Do you,Don Gomez,believe in the existence of a world of spirits?

Don G.I accept what the church says.

Isa.But have you ever seen an ambassador from that unknown world?

Don G.Certainly not.By faith we look forward to it.

Isa.Even so by faith does the Genoese look forward,far over the misty ocean,to an undiscovered shore.

Col.Your majesty is right;but let it be added that I have reasons,O!most potent and resistless reasons,for the faith that is in me:the testimony of many navigators who have picked up articles that must have drifted from this distant coast:the nature of things,admitting that the earth is round;the reports current among the people of one of the northern nations,that many years ago their mariners had sailed many leagues westward till they reached a shore where the grape grew abundantly,these and other considerations have made it (next to faith in my Savior)the fixed persuasion of my mind,that there is a great discovery reserved for the man who will sail patiently westward,trusting in God‘s good providence,and turning not back till he has achieved his Purpose.