
第77章 THE BRAIN(1)



The Twelfth Step toward Riches

MORE than twenty years ago, the author, workingin conjunction with the late Dr. Alexander GrahamBell, and Dr. Elmer R. Gates, observed that everyhuman brain is both a broadcasting and receivingstation for the vibration of thought.

Through the medium of the ether, in a fashionsimilar to that employed by the radio broadcastingprinciple, every human brain is capable of pickingup vibrations of thought which are being released byother brains.

In connection with the statement in the precedingparagraph, compare, and consider the deionof the Creative Imagination, as outlined in thechapter on Imagination. The Creative Imaginationis the “receiving set” of the brain, which receivesthoughts, released by the brains of others. It is theagency of communication between one’s conscious,or reasoning mind, and the four sources from whichone may receive thought stimuli.

When stimulated, or “stepped up” to a high rateof vibration, the mind becomes more receptive tothe vibration of thought which reaches it throughthe ether from outside sources. This “stepping up”

process takes place through the positive emotions,or the negative emotions. Through the emotions, thevibrations of thought may be increased.

Vibrations of an exceedingly high rate are the onlyvibrations picked up and carried, by the ether, fromone brain to another. Thought is energy travellingat an exceedingly high rate of vibration. Thought,which has been modified or “stepped up” by any ofthe major emotions, vibrates at a much higher ratethan ordinary thought, and it is this type of thoughtwhich passes from one brain to another, through thebroadcasting machinery of the human brain.

The emotion of sex stands at the head of the list ofhuman emotions, as far as intensity and driving forceare concerned. The brain which has been stimulatedby the emotion of sex, vibrates at a much more rapidrate than it does when that emotion is quiescent orabsent.

The result of sex transmutation, is the increase ofthe rate of vibration of thoughts to such a pitch thatthe Creative Imagination becomes highly receptiveto ideas, which it picks up from the ether. On theother hand, when the brain is vibrating at a rapidrate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas releasedby other brains through the medium of the ether, butit gives to one’s own thoughts that “feeling” whichis essential before those thoughts will be picked upand acted upon by one’s subconscious mind.

Thus, you will see that the broadcasting principleis the factor through which you mix feeling, oremotion with your thoughts and pass them on toyour subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the “sending station” ofthe brain, through which vibrations of thought arebroadcast. The Creative Imagination is the “receivingset,” through which the vibrations of thought arepicked up from the ether.

Along with the important factors of the subconsciousmind, and the faculty of the Creative Imagination,which constitute the sending and receiving setsof your mental broadcasting machinery, considernow the principle of auto-suggestion, which is themedium by which you may put into operation your“broadcasting” station.

Through the instructions described in the chapteron auto-suggestion, you were definitely informedof the method by which DESIRE may be transmutedinto its monetary equivalent.

Operation of your mental “broadcasting” stationis a comparatively simple procedure. You have butthree principles to bear in mind, and to apply, whenyou wish to use your broadcasting station—theSUBCONSCIOUS MIND, CREATIVE IMAGINATION,and AUTO-SUGGESTION. The stimuli through whichyou put these three principles into action have beendescribed—the procedure begins with DESIRE.


The depression brought the world to the very

border-line of understanding of the forces whichare intangible and unseen. Through the ages whichhave passed, man has depended too much upon hisphysical senses, and has limited his knowledge tophysical things, which he could see, touch, weigh,and measure.

We are now entering the most marvelous of allages—an age which will teach us something of theintangible forces of the world about us. Perhapswe shall learn, as we pass through this age, that the“other self” is more powerful than the physical selfwe see when we look into a mirror.

Sometimes men speak lightly of the intangibles—the things which they cannot perceive through anyof their five senses, and when we hear them, itshould remind us that all of us are controlled byforces which are unseen and intangible.

The whole of mankind has not the power to copewith, nor to control the intangible force wrappedup in the rolling waves of the oceans. Man has notthe capacity to understand the intangible force ofgravity, which keeps this little earth suspended inmid-air, and keeps man from falling from it, muchless the power to control that force. Man is entirelysubservient to the intangible force which comeswith a thunder storm, and he is just as helpless in thepresence of the intangible force of electricity— nay,he does not even know what electricity is, where itcomes from, or what is its purpose!

Nor is this by any means the end of man’s ignorance in connection with things unseen andintangible. He does not understand the intangibleforce (and intelligence) wrapped up in the soil ofthe earth—the force which provides him with everymorsel of food he eats, every article of clothing hewears, every dollar he carries in his pockets.