
第3章 牧羊女和扫烟囱的人(3)


The sky,with all its stars,was over their heads,and below were the roofs of the town. They could see for a very long distance out into the wide world,and the poor little shepherdess leaned her head on her chimneysweeps shoulder,and wept till she washed the gilt off her sash sash n.框格,肩带,腰带,飒饰,窗扇,the world was so different to what she expected.


“This is too much,” she said,“I cannot bear it,the world is too large. Oh,I wish I were safe back on the table again,under the looking glass. I shall never be happy till I am safe back again. Now I have followed you out into the wide world,you will take me back,if you love me.”


Then the chimneysweep tried to reason with her,and spoke of the old Chinaman,and of the Majorgeneralfieldsergeantcommander Billygoats legs. But she sobbed so bitterly,and kissed her little chimneysweep till he was obliged to do all she asked,foolish as it was. And so,with a great deal of trouble,they climbed down the chimney,and then crept through the pipe and stove,which were certainly not very pleasant places.


Then they stood in the dark firebox,and listened behind the door,to hear what was going on in the room. As it was all quiet,they peeped out. Alas! There lay the old Chinaman on the floor,he had fallen down from the table as he attempted to run after them,and was broken into three pieces,his back had separated entirely,and his head had rolled into a corner of the room. The majorgeneral stood in his old place,and appeared lost in thought.


“This is terrible.” said the little shepherdess. “My poor old grandfather is broken to pieces,and it is our fault. I shall never live after this.” And she wrung her little hands.


“He can be riveted,” said the chimneysweep,“he can be riveted. Do not be so hasty hasty adj.匆忙的,草率的。 If they cement his back,and put a good rivet in it,he will be as good as new,and be able to say as many disagreeable things to us as ever.”


“Do you think so?” said she,and then they climbed up to the table,and stood in their old places.


“As we have done no good,” said the chimneysweep,“we might as well have remained here,instead of taking so much trouble.”


“I wish grandfather was riveted!” said the shepherdess. “Will it cost much,I wonder?”


And she had her wish. The family had the Chinamans back mended,and a strong rivet rivet n.铆钉v.固定 put through his neck,he looked as good as new,but he could no longer nod his head.


“You have become proud since your fall broke you to pieces.” said Majorgeneralfieldsergeantcommander Billygoatslegs. “You have no reason to give yourself such airs. Am I to have her or not?”


The chimneysweep and the little shepherdess looked piteously piteously adv.可怜地,慈悲地 at the old Chinaman,for they were afraid he might nod,but he was not able,besides,it was so tiresome to be always telling strangers he had a rivet in the back of his neck. And so the little china people remained together,and were glad of the grandfathers rivet,and continued to love each other till they were broken to pieces.
