And it was all true about the sorrow and the journey. But everybody said it was a great piece of good fortune for the young fellow. And he had to take leave,and of the General too. The Generals lady did not show herself,for she had her bad headache. On this occasion the General told his only anecdoteanecdote n.轶事,奇闻,about what he had said to the Prince,and how the Prince had said to him,“You are incomparable.” And he held out a languid hand to George.
实际上的确如此。悲伤是如此,别离也是如此。对这个年轻人是很大的幸运,人们都这么说。 乔治和人们一一道别,也去了将军家。但是夫人没有露面,她又闹起了严重的头痛病。分别时将军讲了他惟一的故事,他对王子说的那些和王子对他说的:“您是独一无二的!”接着他懒懒散散地把手伸给了乔治。
Emily gave George her hand too,and looked almost sorry; and George was the most sorry of all.
Time goes by when one has something to do; and it goes by,too,when one has nothing to do. The time is equally long,but not equally useful. It was useful to George,and did not seem long at all,except when he happened to be thinking of his home. How might the good folks be getting on,up stairs and down stairs? Yes,there was writing about that,and many things can be put into a letter—bright sunshine and dark,heavy days. Both of these were in the letter which brought the news that his father was dead,and that his mother was alone now. She wrote that Emily had come down to see her,and had been to her like an angel of comfort; and concerning herself,she added that she had been allowed to keep her situation as porteressporteress n.女门房。
The Generals lady kept a diary,and in this diary was recorded every ball she attended and every visit she received. The diary was illustrated by the insertioninsertion n.插入 of the visiting cards of the diplomatic circle and of the most noble families; and the Generals lady was proud of it. The diary kept growing through a long time,and amid many severe headaches,and through a long course of halfnights,that is to say,of court balls. Emily had now been to a court ball for the first time. Her mother had worn a bright red dress,with black lace,in the Spanish style; the daughter had been attired in white,fair and delicate; green silk ribbons fluttered like flagleaves among her yellow locks,and on her head she wore a wreathwreath n.花圈,花冠,圈状物 of waterlillies. Her eyes were so blue and clear,her mouth was so delicate and red,she looked like a little water spirit,as beautiful as such a spirit can be imagined. The Princes danced with her,one after another of course; and the Generals lady had not a headache for a week afterwards.
But the first ball was not the last,and Emily could not stand it; it was a good thing,therefore,that summer brought with it rest,and exercise in the open air. The family had been invited by the old Count to visit him at him castle. That was a castle with a garden which was worth seeing. Part of this garden was laid out quite in the style of the old days,with stiff green hedgeshedge n.树篱,障碍物v.用树篱围住,避免作正面答复; you walked as if between green walls with peepholes in them. Box trees and yew trees stood there trimmed into the form of stars and pyramids,and water sprang from fountainsfountain n.泉水,喷泉,源泉 in large grottoes lined with shells. All around stood figures of the most beautiful stone—that could be seen in their clothes as well as in their faces; every flowerbed had a different shape,and represented a fish,or a coat of armscoat of arms n.盾形纹章,盾徽,or a monogram. That was the French part of the garden; and from this part the visitor came into what appeared like the green,fresh forest,where the trees might grow as they chose,and accordingly they were great and glorious. The grass was green,and beautiful to walk on,and it was regularly cut,and rolled,and swept,and tended. That was the English part of the garden.
“Old time and new time,” said the Count,“here they run well into one another. In two years the building itself will put on a proper appearance,there will be a complete metamorphosismetamorphosis n.变形 in beauty and improvement. I shall show you the drawings,and I shall show you the architect,for he is to dine here today.”
“Charming!” said the General.
“Its like Paradise here,” said the Generals lady,“and yonder you have a knights castle!”
“Thats my poultryhouse.” observed the Count. “The pigeons live in the tower,the turkeys in the first floor,but old Elsie rules in the ground floor. She has apartments on all sides of her. The sitting hens have their own room,and the hens with chickens have theirs; and the ducks have their own particular door leading to the water.”
“Charming!” repeated the General.