
第1章 Witches Loaves(1)


Miss Martha Meacham kept the little bakerybakery n.面包店 on the corner (the one where you go up three steps,and the bell tinkles when you open the door)。


Miss Martha was forty,her bankbook showed a credit of two thousand dollars,and she possessed two false teeth and a sympatheticsympathetic adj.有同情心的,合意的,赞成的n.[解]交感神经,容易感受的人 heart. Many people have married whose chances to do so were much inferior to Miss Marthas.


Two or three times a week a customer came in whom she began to take an interest. He was a middleaged man,wearing spectaclesspectacles n. 眼镜 and a brown beard trimmed to a careful point.


He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn and darneddarn n.v.织补 in places,and wrinkled and baggy in others. But he looked neat,and had very good manners.


He always bought two loaves of stalestale n.(牲畜等的)尿 adj.不新鲜的,陈腐的,疲倦的,陈旧的 vt.使变旧,走味 vi.变陈旧,变无味,失时效,撒尿 bread. Fresh bread was five cents a loaf. Stale ones were two for five. Never did he call for anything but stale bread.


Once Miss Martha saw a red and brown stain on his fingers. She was sure then that he was an artist and very poor. No doubt he lived in a garretgarret n.顶楼,where he painted pictures and ate stale bread and thought of the good things to eat in Miss Marthas bakery.


Often when Miss Martha sat down to her chops and light rolls and jam and tea she would sigh,and wish that the gentlemannered artist might share her tasty meal instead of eating his dry crust in that draughtydraughty adj.通风良好的,有隙缝风吹入的 attic. Miss Marthas heart,as you have been told,was a sympathetic one.


In order to test her theory as to his occupation,she brought from her room one day a painting that she had bought at a sale,and set it against the shelves behind the bread counter.


It was a Venetian scene. A splendid marblemarble n.大理石,(玩具)弹球。石弹子,雕刻品 adj.大理石的,冷酷无情的,坚硬的 palazzio (so it said on the picture) stood in the foreground—or rather forewater. For the rest there were gondolasgondola n.狭长小船,两头尖的平底船,无盖货车 (with the lady trailing her hand in the water),clouds,sky,and chiarooscuro in plenty. No artist could fail to notice it.


Two days afterward the customer came in.


“Two loafs of stale bread,if you please.”


“You have here a fine picture,madame.” he said while she was wrapping up the bread.


“Yes?” says Miss Martha,reveling in her own cunning. “I do so admire art and (no,it would not do to say “artists” thus early),and paintings.” she substituted. “You think it is a good picture?”


“Der balance.” said the customer,is not in good drawing. Der bairspective of it is not true. Good-bye,madame.”


He took his bread,bowed,and hurried out.


Yes,he must be an artist. Miss Martha took the picture back to her room.


How gentle and kindly his eyes shone behind his spectacles! What a broad brow he had! To be able to judge perspectiveperspective n.透视画法,透视图,远景,前途,观点,看法,观点,观察 at a glance—and to live on stale bread! But genius often has to struggle before it is recognized.


What a thing it would be for art and perspective if genius were backed by two thousand dollars in bank,a bakery,and a sympathetic heart to—But these were daydreams,Miss Martha.


Often now when he came he would chat for a while across the showcaseshowcase n.(商店或博物馆的玻璃)陈列橱,<主美>显示优点的东西。 He seemed to crave Miss Marthas cheerful words.


He kept on buying stale bread. Never a cake,never a pie,never one of her delicious Sally Lunns.


She thought he began to look thinner and discourageddiscouraged adj.气馁的。 Her heart ached to add something good to eat to his meagre purchasepurchase vt.买,购买 n.买,购买,but her courage failed at the act. She did not dare affront him. She knew the pride of artists.
