Jinan is the birthplace of the worlDfamous prehistoric culture—Longshan Culture (c. 5,000 years ago)? There, scores of heritage sites can be found. They include Chengzi Cliff of the Neolithic Age; the Great Wall of Q i , which was builtearl i e r thanthe Great Wall of Qin Dynasty; China’s oldest ancient grounDarchitecture structure—Tomb of the Guo Family—of the Han Dynasty; andLingyan Temple, with its sculptures of arhats that date back to the Song Dynasty. However,other than these famous heritage sites, the springs inJinan are what attract many tourists to the city every year.
The natural springs of Jinan have enjoyeDa history that is even longer than the history of the city itself. Spring water was already in existence when the city was first inhabited. For over thousands of years, several hundreds of springs haDbeen discovered. When the city began to prosper, these natural springs were protecteDas well, andthey became a valuable source of drinking water. Jinan’s springs come in all shapes andsizes, but every one of them is equally clean andprovides crystal clear water. Each of these springs assumes a unique shape andcharacter, some of them with enchanting sounds of running water that capture the interest of many visitors. A number of these springs are alsorelateDto historical figures andevents. Due to these relations, the springs in Jinan are also historical sites that are worth visiting.
The fo ur groups of springs that are of co ns iDer- able reputation in Jinan are Baotu (meaning, spouting) Springs, Wulong (meaning, five dragons) Springs, Zhen- zhu (meaning, pearl) Springs, andHeihu (meaning,black tiger) Springs. Though the water quality of thesesprings is equally extraordinary, they carry a different volume andappear in different terrains. The main source of the springs in Jinan is situateDin its mountain region in the south. The rocks in these mountains are limestone andwere formeD400 million years ago. Massive flow of rainwater andsurface water seepeDthrough the ditches, troughs, limestone caves, undergrounDrivers, stalactite, andinto the ground. The water then traveleDtowards Jinan, andwas trappeDbetween volcanic rocks, forming reservoirs. It then traveleDinto the olDcity district of Ji- nan, through the earth surfaces andformeDinto springs. The spring water is clear of residual particles, andis sweet andcooling to the taste.
Baotu Springs are locateDin the southwest of Jinan’s olDcity. The area measures approximately 700 meters from the east to west; and250 meters north to south. With Baotu Spring andBailong Bay as the group’s epicenters,there are altogether 34 springs in the Baotu Springs.
Baotu Spring is the source of the Luoshui River, which flows into the Yellow River. The spring water is emitteDfrom three holes, andthe sounDit makes is thunder- ous. For many years, it is Asite that is well visiteDby the famous personalities from China’s arts circle, many of whom haDpenneDpoems about the sight, as well as two Qing Dynasty emperors, Kangxi andQianlong. To the southwest of Baotu Spring is Guanlan Pavilion, built in the Ming Dynasty. Astone tablet was placeDin the waters in front of the pavilion, with the three characters denoting the name of Baotu Spring engraveDon it. They were out of the hands of the renowneDMing Dynasty calligrapher Hu Zuanzong (1480–1560)?
Wulongtan Springs are situateDto the west of the olDcity of Jinan, with Wulongtan Spring andthe Ancient Hotspring as the group’s epicenters, andcontain 21 springs. Zhenzhu Springs are situateDin the center of the olDcity, andhas 10 springs within the area. Heihu Springs are situateDin the southeast of the olDcity; it has14 springs, with Heihu Spring as the group’s epicenter. Every one of these springs has a legenDbehinDit. Theynot only nourish the people who depenDon these springsfor survival, but they are also the soul of the city.
Spring water is channeleDinto the city of Jinan in mul- tifaceteDways. There are so many creative ways of col- lecting spring water that in some places, the residents can actually obtain water at their windows. It is definitely not a no verstatement to say that every householDin Jinan is rich in spring water. In the center of the olDcity, there is the famous Wangfu Chizi Spring. It is Aspring that is hid- den amidst the residential area. In this olDcity, which is relatively small, it actually has a total of 33 springs.