ONCE upon a time God called the Archangel Gabriel and said to him:“Descend to earth and go to the house of the widow and bring Me her soul。”The Archangel, as soon as he heard the command, descended from on high and went to the house of the widow。He found her lying on her bed in great poverty, with practically nothing in the house and with two babies。When he saw the sad plight in which the woman and her two babies were, he took pity on them and said to himself:“If I take that woman’s life, those two babies are sure to die of hunger。There is no one here to look after them。”Thus, disobeying God’s orders, he left the woman alive and returned empty-handed。
When he came up to heaven, the Lord asked him:“Have you brought the soul of that widow, for which I sent you?”
“Oh, Lord,”he replied,“I found her in such a frightful state, and I thought that if I took her soul the children would be sure to die of hunger, so I took pity on them and left her alive。”
And God said:“Plunge down to the bottom of the sea, and bring Me up the stone that is lying there。”The Archangel did as he was commanded。Quick as lightning he went down to the bottom of the sea and picked up the stone that had been pointed out to him by the Lord。But as quickly as he had descended he came up with it, bearing the stone in his hand。“Now split the stone,”commanded God。And the Archangel split the hard stone, and lo! there were inside that stone two little worms。
“Who feeds these little worms inside the hard stone at the bottom of the sea?”asked the Lord of the astounded Archangel。
“Thine all abundant love and mercy,”replied the Archangel meekly。
“If Mine abundant love and mercy feeds these worms in the stone, is it then likely that I would forsake the two little orphans? It is not for you to question My orders。And now as a punishment go down to earth and serve an Abbot as his serving brother for thirty years in a cloister, and at the end of the thirty years come back and bring with you the soul of the Abbot。”
In that cloister the Archangel served assiduously and quietly。He carried out all the orders carefully and meekly, but no one ever saw him laugh or smile。The thirty years appointed by the Lord were drawing to an end, when one day the Abbot called the Archangel and sent him in company with another brother to buy some food in the neighbouring town。Whilst they were walking along, the Archangel saw a man stealing an earthenware pot from a hedge。When he saw it he smiled。
The brother who accompanied him looked at him in wonderment。It was the first time that the man had ever smiled。Then, continuing his journey, he saw a man sitting by the road telling people’s fortunes。Again the Archangel smiled, and the other looked at him in surprise and astonishment。And going further, they heard a man ordering a pair of boots which were to last seven years。Here the Archangel laughed, and the other watched him with growing surprise。For thirty years he had neither smiled nor laughed, and now in one day he had both smiled and laughed; in fact, he had smiled twice。
Finally they met a wedding procession, and the Archangel wept。On entering the town they were stopped at the gate by a carriage which was being driven out of it, in it sat the Governor of the town and the Bishop。At the sight of them the Archangel was startled。
All these unwonted doings of the serving brother puzzled his companion greatly。When they returned he went to the Abbot and told him what had happened, how he had seen the serving brother smile and laugh and weep whilst they were travelling together。The Abbot, whose curiosity was aroused, called the Archangel and said to him:“My son, you have served us faithfully and truly for thirty years。You have been obedient and meek all these years, but you have always had a sad countenance。No one has ever seen you smile or laugh or weep。What has come over you this day?”
“My revered Father,”replied the Archangel,“I will explain to you the reason。When I saw a man stealing a pot I smiled, for there was clay stealing clay; when I saw the man telling fortunes to other people I could not help smiling, for under the place where that man was sitting there lay buried a huge treasure, and that man told fortunes to others and did not know his own fortune; and when I heard a man ordering a pair of boots which were to last seven years I had to laugh, for I knew that man would not live more than seven days。When I saw the wedding procession, knowing as I did that the bridegroom would die shortly and that their merriment would be cut short, I could not restrain my tears; and I was startled on entering the town when I saw those two men in the carriage, who were none other than the twin babies of the poor widow for whose sake I am now here。”
“But, my son, how did you know all that?”
Then the Archangel told him the whole story, adding:“My revered Father, let me tell you one more secret。I am not a mortal as you and all the brethren believe。I am the Archangel Gabriel, and I have been sent down by the Lord to serve you for thirty years as an atonement for want of faith in God’s love and mercy, and for disobedience to His commands, and I have been charged to bring thy soul to heaven at the end of the thirty years。Only three days are still wanting for the end of the time。Get thee ready!”
When the Abbot heard these words he at once made all the preparations for his departure from this earth, and at the end of the three days the Archangel Gabriel rose with his soul to heaven, where he was met by the angels, praising God and His everlasting love and mercy。