
第62章 Change Will Come(3)

And this is not only directed at the graduates today,but there are a lot of proud mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and grandparents and children and others who have seen you to this day.And this is an offer and a challenge to all of us.In the times that we face,we know we don‘t have a person to waste,we don’t have an idea to overlook.In fact,we have to be even more committed to reaching out and crossing the divides that too often separate us.For those who have come to this country to celebrate a child or a friend‘s graduation,please take home this message:America more than ever wants your help;in fact,needs your help as we build these new partnerships and as we seek solutions to the global crises that cannot be solved by any one people or one government alone.

We need each other.We always have.It’s just so much more apparent today.A flu starting in one country spreads quickly around the world.An extremist ideology starting with a few people explodes across the internet.A global financial crisis affects farmers and small business people in every corner of the globe.That is a new reality.But equally important is that we also now have the tools to work together to forge this common approach to these common threats.

So,Class of 2009,you have an historic opportunity.Every class is told that,and to some extent I suppose it is always true.But just in the course of this commencement ceremony,you‘ve heard several references to the global economic crisis.The times that you are graduating in are,yes,perhaps more difficult and somewhat more daunting.But that’s when we really rise together.One of the best lines from one of my favorite baseball movies,A League of Their Own-(applause)-said it well,“If it were easy,anybody could do it.”

You know,when the Yankees moved into their old stadium next door in 1923,there was only person on the roster from west of St.Louis.Their team mostly looked the same,talked the same,and came from the same kind of cities and towns and rural areas across America.Think about team that plays in this new stadium.It includes players from Mexico,Japan,Taiwan,Panama,four other countries.The Dominican Republic alone is home to seven Yankees.In the same way,NYU has evolved as well.The university was founded to serve the City of New York.Today it serves the world.

We know that there is much yet ahead that none of us can predict.There is no way to stop change.Change will come.What is unknown is whether it will bring progress or not.But you have done what you needed to do to get the best insurance policy you could,and that is an NYU education.(Applause.)And so armed with that education,I have every confidence that you will not only succeed by the dint of your own hard work and effort,but you will contribute far beyond your own personal needs.This is your moment.You‘ve made it to the big leagues,and you are up to bat.Go out and give us a future worthy of this great university,of this great city,of this great country,and of the world we all wish to create together.

Thank you,congratulations,and Godspeed.(Applause.)










